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Bach's 'Goldberg Variations' for Guitar




ARTIST: Marco Salcito

DYN-CDS7699 | 8007144076993

2 CD | US SRP $19.99

•       For Marco Salcito, the guitar, an instrument naturally rich in tone-color and dynamic variations, is well-suited to such a work as J.S. Bach’s Goldberg Variations.  It took Salcito three years to transcribe this masterpiece. All musical choices, including embellishments, were made in maximum possible respect of the development of each single voice. The recording was made without any electronic effects or overdubs.

•       The instrument he used, built by master luthier Enzo Guido, was mounted with strings made by the Vicenza firm Aquila Corde Armoniche, which, through its research on natural gut, has created a new product, Nylgut, that follows the tradition of past great string-makers and recreates the charm that only gut can offer, with its imitation of the human voice.

•       Guitarist and teacher Marco Salcito merges the love for his didactical job to a concert career that has no musical prejudices and spans from the classical repertory to jazz and flamenco, as well as composition. He has appeared in concert in the US and China as well as in Europe, always paying particular attention to the repertoire he selects, meant to aid discover of new musical paths.




In addition to being an award-winning classical label, Naxos of America is the #1 independent classical music distributor in the U.S. and Canada. Specializing in state-of-the-art distribution, marketing and promotion, Naxos of America distributes nearly 50,000 titles on CD and DVD to traditional brick and mortar retail, as well as offering a comprehensive suite of services tailored to consumer direct fulfillment. Naxos of America is also the largest digital distributor of independent classical music, supplying a catalog of over 50,000 albums to hundreds of digital download and mobile outlets worldwide. 

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