What's more, you can get access to this affordable dental CBCT procedure in Aurora, CO, right here at Accord Dental! Here are four fantastic reasons that you and your dentist might consider using cone beam CT:
Wisdom Tooth Extractions A key concern during a wisdom tooth extraction is the location of one's mandibular nerve, as well as its nearness to the tooth's roots. Often being very close, it can be subject to unintentional injury, which has been known to result in post-surgery numbness. While this numbness is typically temporary, in rare cases it can continue six months or more.The use of a CBCT scan when preparing for surgery allows for a precise determination of the location of the mandibular nerve. An added advantage of going this route before your wisdom tooth extraction is the far lesser exposure to radiation that the cone beam CT delivers in comparison to traditional medical scanning methods.
Dental Implant Placements The process of replacing one or more missing teeth has been dramatically improved by this CBCT technology. The three-dimensional images that the scan provides give your dental professional a better look at your mouth than ever before attainable. This detail allows for a detailed plan to be made before the surgery, as well as increases the accuracy of the dental implant placement. This process gives the entire team involved in your procedure a comprehensive view of the intended final result of the surgery, providing you with the very best implant possible.You should also know that it costs you nothing at all to learn more about CBCT and whether it would be a smart decision for your implant needs. For a free cone beam CT for dental implant consult in Aurora, CO and the surrounding area, contact Accord Dental to schedule an appointment today.
Helping With Root Canals As mentioned above, in relation to wisdom tooth extractions, cone beam computed tomography gives us a far more clear picture of a patient's dental landscape than previous tools have permitted. In the case of a root canal, CBCT can give your clinician a high-quality image with which to assess and plan the operation … or even help you to avoid getting a root canal at all.By capturing high-resolution images of your tooth's structure, the cone beam scan allows for computerized digitization, creating a virtual re-creation of one's root canal system. Having a solid understanding of the intricate anatomy of a tooth's root canal is essential and this method supplies that, in both a noninvasive and lower-radiation manner.
While this can obviously help if a root canal is selected as the wisest course of action, it may also keep you and your dentist from even going that direction in the first place. If the CBCT scan shows that a root canal procedure is unnecessary, a more conservative approach can be taken to the problem at hand.
Finding Any Pathology Inside The Jaws The teeth themselves are not the only spots in your mouth where cone beam CT can aid in establishing the precise location - and reconstructing a valuable visual - of a serious dental issue. There are a variety of problems that a scan might help decipher.Odontogenic lesions or cysts in the jaw are not uncommon. Such cysts are often caused by a buildup of fluid in a damaged molar or other tooth and, in severe cases, can force the jaws to expand and result in cosmetic asymmetry of the face. Obtaining the detailed view of your maxillofacial tissues that CBCT allows your dentist to assess any issues early and accurately.
Accord Dental is your place to get the most affordable dental CBCT procedure in Aurora, CO. Dr. Vilner and Dr. Dunker are recognized for their superior work in preventive, general and cosmetic dental care. Accord Dental is also the chosen Dentist for the Russian Community in Denver and Aurora, CO. For more information, or scheduling your own free cone beam CT for dental implant consult, call now or visit us online at http://accorddentalgroup.com
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