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Personhood USA: Justina Pelletier tells parents, "I feel like I'm in jail"

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BOSTON, March 7, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- During their weekly one-hour visit with Justina, the Pelletiers were able to meet with their daughter privately. During their meeting, Justina told them "I feel like I'm in jail," and asked, "Why can't I be with my parents like everyone else?"

Usually the parents' visits with Justina are highly monitored and supervised by Massachusetts DCF and even state troopers. During monitored visits, the parents are unable to speak freely with Justina about her condition. This was the first visit where they were able to speak freely and privately since Justina was seized by DCF and Boston Children's Hospital 13 months ago.

Reverend Patrick Mahoney, Pelletier family spokesperson and Director of the Washington D.C. based Christian Defense Coalition said: "It is an absolute disgrace that this 15-year-old girl is being treated in such a horrific manner by DCF. She feels like she's in jail and is being treated differently than everyone else who is in the facility she is. This is a national disgrace."

He added: "Now that Tufts University has assumed medical care, the fundamental reason that Justina was being held by DCF is now removed. The time is now to release her back into the loving arms of her family."

Keith Mason, President of Personhood USA said: "It's unconscionable that DCF would basically incarcerate this girl who has done nothing wrong and prevent her from accessing the medical treatment that she needs. The State of Massachusetts needs to hold DCF accountable for their blatant violations of Justina's dignity as a human being."

SOURCE Personhood USA


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