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DNA May Be The Key To Keeping Your New Year's Resolution

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NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 3, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Losing weight is the most popular New Year's resolution for 2014, but research shows that only eight percent of people are successful in achieving their resolutions. People fall back into old habits and give up when they do not see immediate results. A new company, GenoVive, is seeking to change the way we look at eating using the latest gene-based technology.

The medical community is on the cusp of a new era of health care that relies on DNA,  or deoxyribonucleic acid, which stores individual's unique genetic makeup. GenoVive offers individuals weight loss plans tailored to their specific genetic profiles. Clients use an easy DNA test kit to swab the insides of their mouths and mail the swabs to the GenoVive lab.

After reviewing a client's individual gene variants along with their profile information, gender, height, weight, and age, GenoVive determines which customized meal program and exercise plan is right for them. The plan includes background information on genetics to help explain each client's results.

"I saw how DNA science was being used for medical breakthroughs that could reverse life-threatening diseases, and I thought why not use it in preventative medicine to help people lose weight?" said Vic Castellon, Pharm. D., founder of GenoVive. "My work has been focused on the science of DNA for a decade, and now the time is ripe to offer the benefits of this technology to the general public."

In June of 2013, the Supreme Court ruled that human genes cannot be patented. Since then, the door has been open for biomedical companies like GenoVive to offer patients access to genetic testing and for their scientists to engage in research on those genes.

"Because of where the science is now, GenoVive is able to offer highly accurate, affordable weight loss solutions to the general public," said San San Ng, PhD, MB (ASCP)CM , GenoVive's vice president of scientific affairs. "GenoVive is on the forefront of health care, and we rely on the latest scientific discoveries to advance the field of personalized health."

"GenoVive established a Scientific Advisory Board consiting of world-renowned scientists to guide the company's research activities, seeking out the most innovative and promising research projects for continuing validation of the emerging field of Nutrigenomics," Dr. Ng continued.

In addition to the weight loss plan, GenoVive's scientists determine the correct balance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and calories for a client's Customized Meal Program. Clients can choose to have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks delivered to their doors.

While GenoVive is one of the first companies to rely on DNA science for weight loss, they have commissioned a clinical trial and demonstrate real results. People are able to lose 76% more weight with plan customized to their DNA.

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