"We thought it would be fun to invite the community to try and guess when the 50,000th patient is admitted into our care", says Dave Hildebrandt, CEO and co-founder. "This will be a great opportunity for us to engage with our past and current patients, employees, referral sources and the general public. We hope they'll also take the time discover what a great resource our Facebook Page and Web Site are for all kinds of health tips and links to the health care community."
MD Home Health and its affiliate MD Home Assist have roots that date back to 1985 when it was originally known as Health Force. At that time, its primary business was providing nursing assistants to hospitals and nursing homes on short term assignments. In 1989 it was purchased by the current owners, Mary Maguire and Dave Hildebrandt, and expanded to include the staffing nurses to the Maricopa County jails as well as entering the growing home health arena. Ten years later it changed its name to become MD Home Health and MD Home Assist to better reflect its emphasis in providing both medical and non-medical home health care.
MD Home Health is a State licensed and Medicare Certified Home Health Agency, and MD Home Assist is a non-medical/supportive services home care agency. Combined, these two companies have treated nearly 50,000 patients in their history, including nearly 4,000 patients this year. "When we first began providing home health care in 1991, we averaged around 15 patients at any one time. Today, we average over 1000 on a daily basis", says Hildebrandt. As their patient census has grown, so too has their staff of professional caregivers, now employing more than 300 nurses, therapists, nursing assistants and caregivers and an "in office" support staff of 40 specialists in case management, medical coordination, records management and billing.
The MD companies' staying power has been impressive as they've grown into one of the largest full service agencies of its kind in Arizona. "We've seen dozens and dozens of agencies come and go over the years and very few have lasted as long as we have," says Hildebrandt. He attributes this to the excellent care delivered by their caregivers, their great relationships with the medical community of doctors, case managers and medical facilities, and their ability to react to the always changing health care industry. "We also have a superior staff of administrative support here in our central Phoenix office, many of whom have been with us for 15 and even 20 years."
Today, its business has diversified to include patients of all ages and medical conditions, from the elderly who require non-medical/supportive assistance to remain independent in their homes, to the acutely or chronically ill who require daily or even round the clock RN's. "That's the beauty of choosing MD as your home care agency. We are a full service agency, so no matter what level of care someone requires, we have the skilled staff and experience to meet those needs" says Hildebrandt. "We're really one of the very few here in the Valley that can claim that".
Based on the growth seen by MD in the past five years, they'll likely be having another contest to guess when their 100,000th patient is admitted before the next decade begins.
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