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META-Health University to co-host Health Summit Special Events Dec. 15/16, 2013

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(PRLEAP.COM) 30 World-Renowned Health Experts, including Bruce Lipton, Bernie Siegel, David Katz, Gary Craig, Deborah King, David Hamilton, Mariel Hemingway, and John Robbins shared with the world how to improve our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, relationship and financial health. They introduced a revolutionary New Healing Paradigm and showed the power of nutrition, emotions, thoughts, social environment, lifestyle, compassion, forgiveness and love and how it effects our body and mind.

Even now that the Summit is over, people have the chance to get direct and personal access to some of the Summit Speakers by attending the upcoming Special Live Events. Ask personal questions, interact live via social media and discover how to integrate what has been learned during the Summit into our daily life.

Attendance is limited to anyone who has purchased a META-Health Summit Upgrade Packages, see

LIVE 2-HOUR Q&A PANELAre you META-Healthy? Stress, Emotions and Beliefs affecting your Organ Health - By Invitation Only Sunday, Dec. 15, 2013 with Johannes R. Fisslinger, Diana Stefani MD, Rob van Overbruggen PhD, Lars Mygind

LIVE NUTRITION SESSIONNutrition and Health Questions you always wanted to ask a Celebrity Health Expert - By Invitation Only Monday, Dec. 16, 2013 with Lene Hansson

Click to learn more about the Summit Upgrade Packages and how to get your personal Live Event invitations.

AboutMETA-Health University offers cutting-edge Integrative Medicine and META-Health courses, diplomas and degrees based on the Organ-Stress-Emotion-Belief-Social Connection. The META-Health Summit is co-hosted by META-Health University as part of a global campaign to inspire a healthy lifestyle and to establish a new healing paradigm based on prevention and Integrative Health. For MHU events visit

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