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Considering Gastric Sleeve or Lap Band Surgery? Think Twice About a Holiday "Last Hurrah"

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LOS ANGELES, Nov. 29, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- If you're seriously considering a gastric sleeve, lap band, or another weight loss procedure in early 2014, it's only human to start fantasizing about one final round of caloric overindulgence during the coming holiday season. Dr. Feiz and Associates is the center for sleeve gastrectomies, bypasses, and lap band surgery in Southern California and it cautions severely obese patients to nevertheless take things as easy as possible, even more so if they are currently suffering from type 2 diabetes. Binge eating can lead to dangerous blood sugar spikes, among other issues.

Board certified bariatric surgeon Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. suggests we all exercise some caution throughout the holiday period. Dr. Feiz is a widely respected expert in laporascopic procedures who is known as the doctor for such procedures as gastric sleeve or lap band Los Angeles weight loss surgery patients trust. His outstanding record of success in helping patients to achieve permanent weight loss – often permanently defeating diabetes as well as high blood pressure and numerous other risk factors – speaks for itself. Still, Dr. Feiz's work can be unnecessarily complicated if patients go too far overboard during holiday celebrations.

Sudden increases in blood sugar and blood pressure caused by excessive indulgence in rich holiday food, desserts, and alcoholic beverages can sometimes cause doctors to put the brakes on weight loss surgeries out of concerns about complications. Also, prior to weight loss surgery, patients are routinely put on very restricted low calorie diets, followed by a pre-surgery all-liquid diet. The switch, almost literally between "feast and famine," can make it even more difficult for patients who are used to consuming a very large amount of food to switch to very small portions, and then no food at all just prior to surgery. Dr. Feiz and Associates strongly recommend that patients who are planning on weight loss surgery start scaling back their eating as soon as possible.

Of course, that can be easier said than done during holiday celebrations. Moreover, holiday stress might also encourage overindulgence in alcohol, which can worsen a large number of significant health issues.

The medical staff of Dr. Feiz and Associates wants prospective weight loss patients to enjoy their holidays, and they understand that the holidays present numerous temptations that few of us can resist entirely.  At the same time, patients need to understand that they will shortly be redefining their entire relationship with food, and that it's never too early to start reducing portion sizes and exercising to prepare for a better life. To get started on making the changes you want in the New Year, please call Dr. Feiz and Associates to inquire about a free seminar and to learn more about what bariatric procedures can do for you. Call (800) 868-5946 or visit

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