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Face the Holidays with the Finest in Facial Rejuvenation

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LOS ANGELES, Nov. 11, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- The holidays are a time when social events put us face to face with all kinds of people, from old friends and family members to potential employers and life partners. While there might not be enough time left in the year for a body transforming procedure like a tummy tuck, there are many options that can quickly bring new vibrancy to what's front and center: your face. Beverly Hills Physicians offers a wide range of plastic surgery procedures and non-invasive injectables and fillers that can prepare anybody for the barrage of seasonal photos this year.

There's no way around it, the first thing people notice about another person is their face and upper body. A dose of Botox or Dysport to stop facial wrinkles, along with fillers like Juvederm or Restylane to smooth out creases, can quickly improve self-esteem. These non-invasive procedures can take years off your appearance and give you the confidence to face the holidays with grace. A doctor at Beverly Hills Physicians can easily recommend which procedures work best for each patient, taking into account important issues like recovery time, cost, and longevity of results.

For those with slightly more severe signs of aging—including unwanted droopiness at the brow, neck, cheeks, and jowls—a non-surgical ThreadLift might be best. The procedure offers 30-70% of the results of a surgical facelift with much less downtime for recovery. If longer lasting results are desired, a patient can start the ball rolling on a surgical procedure that would offer the best results like a face or neck lift.  In fact, many of Beverly Hills Physicians' patients take the self-improvement motivation of the holidays to investigate completely transforming their bodies through procedures like body contouring or a mommy makeover.

Of course, where you go for these procedures makes an enormous difference. Beverly Hills Physicians offers the services of some of the finest board certified plastic surgeons and cosmetic practitioners in all of Southern California. From Beverly Hills to the Inland Empire, our doctors are among the most highly respected in the field, and have produced outstanding outcomes for large numbers of grateful patients. These are perceptive and empathetic practitioners who understand that our facial appearance is a sensitive matter for just about everyone. Most importantly, they have that special touch of the artist which can make the difference between a great result and a merely acceptable outcome.

The level of medical talent on offer from Beverly Hills Physicians is important, but the benefits of taking advantage of this respected medical network go even further. You will also be working with an outstanding team of consultants who can help you with all of the nonmedical aspects of the procedures, including costs. While facial rejuvenation is very rarely covered by medical insurance, injection-based procedures are quite affordable and surgeries are usually less expensive than patients tend to imagine. For people on a budget, our consultants are nearly always able to create a payment plan that is surprisingly feasible. In fact, most patients consider themselves to be making a solid investment in their future happiness.

There's no stopping the march of time and the holidays really will be here before you know it. Now is the moment to learn more about the leading plastic surgeons at Beverly Hills Physicians. For further information, please call our medical group's office at 800-788-1416 or visit us online at Our friendly and knowledgeable consultants and medical staff are looking forward to helping you put the best possible face on your holiday season.

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SOURCE Beverly Hills Physicians


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