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The Mega Way Vegan Shakes Celebrating Arrival of a Mother's New Baby and Her Complete Body Balance

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Los Angeles, California   October 28, 2013   Health News
(PRLEAP.COM) October 28th, 2013 - Mega Way Shakes celebrate the launching of their Certified Organic Vegan Power Meal Replacement with the arrival of Dani's baby. Dani-Bramberg Reyes is one of The Mega Way's most successful clients who have been using Mega Way Shakes for more than a year.

When Brigitte M. Britton, CEO of The Mega Way and Certified Holistic Nutritionist met Dani Bramberg-Reyes in February 2012 she was exhausted, over weight with major thyroid issues and depression from the medications she was taking.

"My breaking point came when I was told I couldn't have children because of complications in my body that just couldn't sustain life," said Dani. "And as a dance teacher for over 10 years I was no longer able to get through class without feeling winded and severely fatigued. I was 5"6 and fluctuated between 186-190 lbs and only 27 years old."

"I shouldn't have these pains and this weight that wouldn't come off when I was dancing almost four consecutive hours a day. I had doctor after doctor prescribe me medications for my thyroid throughout my life, which in turn made me depressed as a side effect, and was given depression and anxiety medication on top to take care of those symptoms. All in all I was in a vicious cycle of prescription medications, thyroid issues, weight gain and depression."

Brigitte advised Dani to use Mega Way Vegan Shakes as a staple Organic Power Meal Replacement in her daily diet. Brigitte said: "Every weekday morning she should make it adding Optimal Nutrition's liquid vitamins, and some frozen fruit, then pack her lunch and head off to work. Dani felt instantly better. "After a couple weeks Dani's energy level had risen, she was also sleeping better at night and felt surprisingly happy."

By September Dani was off of ALL her prescription medicines including her synthroid for her thyroid, she was able to grasp life without being sedated all the time, and had lost over 60 lbs! She was leaner, stronger and best of all, pregnant! It is now Oct 2013, Dani gave birth to her first child 3 months ago and she is now already back to a healthy and gorgeous weight of 142. Dani defied all the gloomy predictions of Doctors who told her otherwise.

You can check out Brigitte M. Britton's advice on diet and nutrition at her website and also see ingredients and benefits of the Certified Organic Vegan Power Meal Replacements. They are simple to make cost under $4 a serving and taste great. The MEGA Way… It's not just a health system, it's a life system.


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