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Those Suffering from Back Pain Deserve State-of-the-Art Treatment

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LOS ANGELES, Oct. 25, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Though nearly 85% of L.A. residents are affected by back pain at some point in their lives, undergoing spine surgery in Los Angeles has often proven to be a significant challenge. Traditionally, back pain treatment has been a daunting procedure requiring general anesthesia and in many cases extended hospital stays. Worse still, traditional surgery methods only provide relief for about 70% of those who undergo surgery. That's why it should come as no surprise that the innovations of Seyed M. Rezaian, MD, PhD, FRCS, FICS in laser back surgery have been so celebrated among his patients and within the medical community.

Not only are the laser treatments pioneered by Dr. Rezaian exceedingly effective for those suffering from a variety of spine-related maladies, but his treatment is also safer and less invasive than any prior surgery. Dr. Rezaian and his team at the California Orthopaedic Medical Clinic in Beverly Hills have effectively managed over 12,000 patients with back pain over the past 20 years. Over the course of that time, Dr. Rezaian and his team have been recognized as leaders in managing serious muscular skeletal disorders, with a focus on back pain problems and injuries.

Most notable of all though, the skill and forward thinking of the renowned surgeon has led to several meaningful medical breakthroughs. As an expert on minimally invasive laser disc surgery who is widely recognized for his treatment technique for fractures of the spine, Dr. Rezaian has helped countless wheelchair-bound patients who have been victims of fracture or disease of the spine to walk again.

For an example of Dr. Rezaian's remarkable abilities, look no further than the minimally-invasive, exceptionally effective Universal Endoscopic Discectomy, a procedure invented by the surgeon himself. In traditional, antiquated surgical treatment of a herniated disc, cervical discs are removed under general anesthesia. From there, the spine is fused using bone graft from the patient's own pelvis. The procedure requires an invasive incision in front of the neck, a 3 to 5 day hospital stay and a 3 to 6 month recovery period, after which there is only a 70% chance of success.

Using Dr. Rezaian's procedure, however, a herniated disc of neck or back can be treated under local anesthesia using minimally invasive endoscopic microsurgery. The results lead to success in a very impressive 95% of cases, and allow the patient to go home without any hospital stay at all!

The importance of a healthy spine towards ensuring a comfortable, active and contented life can scarcely be overstated. To ensure you receive the most cutting-edge treatment possible for herniated discs, neck or back pain at any level, please contact Dr. Rezaian at the Orthopaedic Medical Clinic by calling 877-397-9616 or going to

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SOURCE California Orthopaedic Medical Clinic


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