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Emerging Molecular Imaging Methodologies that Hold Promise for Major Advances in Patient Care to be Highlighted at Advanced Molecular Imaging and Its Clinical Translation Course

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Sponsored by World Molecular Imaging Society and the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center of Harvard Medical School

BOSTON, Oct. 21, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Molecular imaging holds the promise for improved patient management in medicine and surgery. To realize this goal, a thorough understanding of the instrumentation and diagnostic agents that comprise the field is necessary.  Emerging methodologies in molecular imaging that could become part of clinical practice within the next decadewill be highlighted at the Advanced Molecular Imaging and Its Clinical Translation course, here at the Fairmont Copley Plaza, October 27-30, 2013.

Sponsored by the World Molecular Imaging Society (WMIS) and the Department of Medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) / Harvard Medical School, the Advanced Molecular Imaging and its Clinical Translation Coursebrings together some of the mostinfluential thought leaders and provides a comprehensive educational experience in thephysics, chemistry, engineering, and physiology that arethe foundation of molecular imaging.  Keyleaders from industry will bring their perspective on howintellectual property, regulatory approval, and reimbursementimpact patient care. Faculty from around the world specializingin basic science, clinical translation, and clinical applicationshave been carefully chosen to bring course attendees to the state-of-the-art in the field.

"Imaging and biomarker application is at the core of the pursuit of translational medicine.  Clinical translation is a focus for WMIS in 2014 and partnering with Harvard Medical School allows us to extend our educational offerings and create a greater awareness of molecular imaging and its use in defining precision medicine," said Anna M. Wu, Ph.D., President of WMIS, Professor and Vice Chair of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology and Associate Director of Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging at the David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA.

Most aspects of molecular imaging will be covered, including optical imaging, SPECT, PET, CT, MRI, ultrasound, combinations thereof, contrast agent chemistry, radiotracer development, preclinical imaging, regulatory, statistical, reimbursement, and logistical issues surrounding clinical translation, and state-of-the-art clinical imaging in cancer, heart disease, neurology, and other human conditions.

"The enthusiasm of the world-class faculty is palpable. These are the best of the best coming together to help move the field toward better patient care," said John V. Frangioni, M.D., Ph.D., Founder and Co-Director of the course with Ralph Weissleder, M.D., Ph.D. Both are professors at Harvard Medical School.

The Advanced Molecular Imaging and its Clinical Translation Course is endorsed by the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) and the The Sentinel Node Oncology Foundation (SNOF).

ABOUT WORLD MOLECULAR IMAGING SOCIETY The WMIS is dedicated to developing and promoting translational research through multimodal molecular imaging. The education and abstract-driven WMIC annual meeting is held in conjunction with European Society for Molecular Imaging (ESMI) and Federation of Asian Societies for Molecular Imaging (FASMI). WMIC is the only meeting that provides a unique platform for scientists and clinicians with very diverse backgrounds to interact, present, and follow cutting-edge advances in molecular imaging.  Industry exhibits at the congress include the latest advances in preclinical and clinical imaging applications creating a complete molecular imaging educational technology showcase.

For more information:

Contact: Christiaan Koop Phone: 310-215-9730 e-mail:

SOURCE World Molecular Imaging Society

Business Daily Media