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Tiniest baby goes home to family

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HAMILTON, ON, Oct. 18, 2013 /CNW/ - The smallest surviving baby born in Hamilton, Ont. went home this week from McMaster Children's Hospital to her Niagara Falls family.

Baby Rachel Blythin was born June 3 at 330 grams, so small she wore doll clothes.

Rachel was attached in utero to her identical twin Evelyn through twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, pumping blood and nutrients to Evelyn, leaving Rachel little room to grow. Fearing for Rachel's life, doctors delivered the twins at 28 weeks. Both babies are doing well.

SOURCE Hamilton Health Sciences, Public Relations & Communications

Image with caption: "Baby Rachel Blythin is the smallest known surviving baby born in Hamilton, Ont, cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit of McMaster Children's Hospital. Her father's wedding band fit loosely around her leg. She was born June 3 at 330 grams, less than a block of butter. (CNW Group/Hamilton Health Sciences, Public Relations & Communications)". Image available at:

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