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# Article Title Author Hits
301 Apache Declares Cash Dividends On Common Shares Australian Business 203
302 IDACORP Announces 13.2% Increase to Quarterly Common Stock Dividend, IDACORP and Idaho Power Appoint Jibson and Anderson to Boards of Directors Australian Business 209
303 Automotive Sensors Market 2022 Forecasts Research Report Australian Business 205
304 Agnico Eagle announces development project update - La India commissioning underway and mining and processing has restarted at Goldex Australian Business 218
305 Air Products Declares Quarterly Dividend Australian Business 260
306 NextEra Energy to sell equity units Australian Business 271
307 Dynisco Wins Gold and Silver American Business Awards For Innovation in Developing Vertex™ Mercury-Free Sensors Australian Business 248
308 AK Steel Provides Third Quarter 2013 Guidance Australian Business 209
309 Semiconductor Industry Commends Senate Passage of Legislation to Secure Helium Supply Australian Business 196
310 Grupo Simec, S.A.B. de C.V. announces repurchases of its own shares Australian Business 207
311 Albemarle to increase the price of ETHANOX 330 antioxidant Australian Business 512
312 Nice-Pak Products To Install Solar Array On Orangeburg Facility Australian Business 206
313 Anglo American delivers the largest financial commitment ever made by a mining company to protect northern caribou in British Columbia Australian Business 238
314 Georgia Power names McKenzie vice president of renewable development Australian Business 236
315 Global precious metal refinery opens local catalytic converter recycling facility in Eatontown, New Jersey Australian Business 250
316 ET Solar startet neue Partnerschaft mit UNICEF Australian Business 198
317 Danger to European energy market transparency from EU benchmark proposal, according to Argus Media Australian Business 412
318 Gazpromneft-Aero consigue un aumento de un 60% en su despliegue mensual de combustible para reactores Australian Business 211
319 ODEC and Mitsubishi Finalize Contract Australian Business 227
320 Epoch Wires Invents a New Superconducting Wire at the Lowest Market Price Australian Business 215

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