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Newstex Releases "Secrets to Brand Building Success for Authoritative Content Publishers" Ebook

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LONDON, Sept. 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Newstex released the newest title in its Authoritative Web Content ebook series at the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) U.K. Digital Content and Media Summit in London today. "Secrets to Brand Building Success for Authoritative Content Publishers" by Susan Gunelius - available under a Creative Commons Attribution license - is free to download and share.

The ebook provides strategies and tactics that empower content creators to integrate their Authoritative Content as a component within their overall brand strategy. Readers see how to develop their Authoritative Content brands by creating the appropriate mix and then amplifying their content through licensed syndication, maximising growth with influential audiences. Concepts and tools introduced in the ebook include:

  • The Brand Building Pyramid
  • Audience Persona and Tasks
  • The Amplification Map, and
  • Content Distribution Solutions

"Reliable, responsible, and reputable content creation is a keystone in an effective brand strategy," explains Larry Schwartz, President of Newstex. "As we continue our expansion in Europe, Asia and South America, we see an increasing number of publishers looking for best practices and benchmarks to further the reach of their authoritative content beyond linguistic and national boundaries."

The ebook is unique in that it focuses on a broad range of media. "The strategies for successfully integrating content creation into your brand strategy are the same whether you create content on a website, blog, Google +, or Twitter account," Schwartz says. The ebook is also unusual in that it focuses solely on content amplification to professional audiences. A straightforward, three-step process allows publishers to expand their audiences in industry verticals such as law, marketing, finance, media, and academia.

Content creators and publishers can download the ebook at or

About NewstexBy connecting innovative content creators with professional audiences, Newstex ( enhances professional discourse, elevates authoritative voices, and expands the influence of publishers worldwide. Newstex' editorial staff use a proprietary process to identify Authoritative Content producers. Newstex uses industry-leading licensing agreements to ensure that publishers are appropriately compensated and that their copyrights are protected. Normalising and applying metadata to the licensed content allows Newstex to provide enhanced, real-time delivery through respected B2B content distributors and via white label or Newstex' mobile applications.

Since the company's inception in 2004, Newstex has been recognised for its innovation through numerous digital media and content awards, including being named to the EContent 100 list of companies that matter most in the digital content industry for seven consecutive years. For more information, visit the Newstex at

Media EnquiriesMichael EllisLong View Media+44 (0) 1865 522 120

SOURCE Newstex


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