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If you're looking to buy the tyres online in Australia for your car, use this complete tire buying guide as your starting point. It covers everything from the most popular types of tires to the qualities you should look for when you're in the market for new tires. By following these guidelines, you can feel confident about the tires you choose and know that they'll last as long with as little expense as possible. When buying tyres online in Australia, you can find the right set of wheels with this comprehensive tyre buying guide.

Grip Vs Durability

Most drivers will tell you that grip is more important than durability, but that's not exactly true. If your tyres don't last long enough to get you where you need to go without altogether wearing out, they aren't doing their job. When it comes to tyres, you want both high grip and long-lasting durability; however, which one matters most depends on your driving style. Performance cars require high levels of traction at all times because otherwise, they can't drive at top speeds or corners properly. Regular drivers will do just fine with durable but less grippy tyres that last longer between fill-ups.

What Is Rolling Resistance?

Rolling resistance is a force that arises when your tires roll. It's just a fancy way of saying air resistance, and it's caused by friction between your tyre and road surface. That friction converts some of your forward momenta into heat, slowing you down and reducing fuel efficiency. Rolling resistance also occurs when you turn or brake; both can cause excess flexing in your tyres, which results in more rolling resistance (and wasted energy). Fortunately, advances in technology have helped reduce rolling resistance on modern tyres.

Tyre Size

All car tyres have a size code printed on them. This is a three-digit code in which two of these digits represent diameters, and one represents an aspect ratio. Diameters are given as mm, with 1mm meaning 0.03937 inches or one-thousandth of a foot. You'll need to know your tyre size to buy new ones that fit. Some tires also have an identifying mark printed on them known as their sidewall. This is represented by another three-digit number, where each number stands for 0.0012 inches or 1/64th of an inch.

Seasonality And Weather

You can buy tyres online in Australia at any time of year, but you should pay attention to when they're in demand and stock up during peak seasons. Check your tyres regularly for signs of wear and tear like bulges, cuts, cracks or splits. If you need to get a replacement tyre before your next trip to your local garage or tyre specialist, think about buying online; many retailers offer free shipping. And if you're thinking about purchasing a new set of wheels for yourself or for your car: spring is always a good time to do so.

Fuel Efficiency

One of the most important reasons to buy new tyres is for fuel-efficiency. Over time, tires lose their tread, which decreases their effectiveness at absorbing road shocks and leads to extra energy being transferred to your vehicle's engine. This leads to wasted gas and extra wear on your brakes. Since it costs around $0.50 per mile to drive, replacing four worn-out tyres can save you hundreds of dollars in just a few months. And if you're looking for an environmentally friendly option, then consider purchasing low rolling resistance (LRR) or hybrid tyres that use less rubber but provide similar comfort and speed.

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