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Motoring Today

Having a car is one of the most liberating things that anyone can own. Without overstating things, it is the gift of freedom. It means that you can go wherever you want when you want. While there might be issues like traffic and insurance and petrol, what you will no longer need to deal with are things like queuing and waiting for public transport or being reliant on friends to get anywhere. Owning a car is a game-changer and it is no surprise that most people aspire to own one at some point. And there are many ways to come to possess a car – from buying one new to saving for an old jalopy and fixing it up. The budget is a factor in all these options. But, if you are going to build from the bottom up, here are a few tips to help you make the most of the experience.

Know your strengths

If you are not mechanically inclined in the slightest, then you are probably best off buying something new and reliable. If you are going to opt for a fixer-upper, then you need to have a degree of mechanical nous. You certainly don’t have to do everything yourself – a person who knows their wat around an engine cannot necessarily spray paint or panel beat. Auto-electrics are also not everyone’s cup of tea. But the key starting point is to have an affinity for certain elements of the job and to then identify an expert or two in car repair Wollongong will have several people to turn to, who can help you along the way.

Find the right partners

We spoke above about experts and these really are a big part of the deal. It can be great fun trying to do it all yourself, but the reality is that if you want your old set of wheels to truly shine and sparkle and to be something of which you can be proud, then you need to rope in the professionals. For most people it will be the engines that are the easy part – the experts will be needed to guide the bodywork improvements.

Be patient

Restoring an old car is not something that happens overnight. It is a labour of love and a process that is generally dictated by constraints of time and money. If money was not an object, then you would probably just buy a brand-new Ferrari and get it over with. There is a reason for buying a cheaper set of wheels and it is partly money related and partly because it is a great project. But finding the correct and original parts and doing the work yourself is a slow process – you have been warned.

No free rides

As long as your car is working, use it to help pay for itself. In other words, if your mates are suddenly all wanting rides; work out what you consider a fair price and charge them accordingly. Don’t be the only person who is paying for the group to travel. Use that cash to cover petrol costs but also add it to the kitty that pays for fixing up expenses – there will be plenty.

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