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Motoring Today

As our homes become increasingly environmentally friendly, our focus is starting to shift further out. We all want to do right by the planet but there are some areas in our lives that seem nearly impossible to make more eco-friendly without throwing the budget out the window and living on two-minute noodles for the rest of our days. Our daily drive is one such area. Ditching our cars just isn't possible for many of us and while solar-powered and electric vehicles are a great step in the right direction, they're guaranteed to break the bank. That doesn't mean, however, that it's impossible to downsize our environmental impact without spending a fortune. Here are four affordable ways you can do your part:

Light Up Your Life

Switching out your standard headlights for LED driving lights is a super simple, and cheap, way to make your car more eco-friendly and improve your driving experience. They're brighter than traditional lights and have a lower carbon footprint so you'll be able to see everything you need to and help make the world a cleaner place. Plus they've got a longer lifespan than standard headlights so you'll be reducing your waste and saving your back pocket, as well.

Get Some New Shoes

The tires you put on your vehicle are important. For one, there's only a handprint of tread keeping you safely on the road so it's important that it's in good shape, but also, poor quality tires can affect performance and anything that puts extra strain on your engine, raises your emissions. It's no secret that cheap tires tend to wear out faster than expensive ones and while it's possible that you might find a diamond in the rough, every discarded tire that ends up in landfill adds to your carbon footprint. Get the better shoes, keep them properly inflated (they don't roll as well if you don't which means your engine has to work harder) and do your best to recycle them when you're done with them. Your ability to formally recycle your tires will depend on your area but if you have a path or drive that needs some edging, cut old tires in half, spray paint them your preferred color and use them down the sides!

Give Your Car Some Breathing Room

Replacing the air filter is generally part of a standard service but not all are created equal. Higher quality comes with a higher price but when you consider the increased efficiency and performance, it's worth paying a little extra to get a better product. It'll reduce your car's environmental impact and has the potential to increase the lifespan of your vehicle as the better maintained your car is, the less stress your engine and other working parts endure and air filters are important. For an extra eco boost, look into reusable options.

Synthetic Isn't Always Bad

We're taught that synthetic items are bad for the planet, and as a general rule they are, but, when it comes to engine oil, switching to synthetic is better for your wallet and the environment. Although it costs a little more upfront, synthetic oil can last almost three times as long as regular oil, therefore reducing wastage and can help your engine perform more efficiently, as well.

So there you have it, four easy ways to make your car more eco-friendly without breaking the bank.

Photo by Tabea Damm on Unsplash

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