If you’ve recently passed your driving test, you’ll be feeling a sense of relief, exhilaration, and nervousness that you’ll now have to decide where you’re travelling to and not have anyone in the passenger seat dictating when to turn left and right. There are very few things in life that are more memorable, other than perhaps your wedding day or the birth of your first child. Passing your driving test is up there.
Now that you are legally allowed to get behind the wheel of a car, you want to ensure that you remain a safe and vigilant driver. You also want to make sure that the car that has been sitting on the drive for the past four months waiting for you to pass your test is well maintained and looked after. Your car will need a yearly service and the usual maintenance checks before a long journey. You know the ones: oil, tyres, and lights. When it’s time to take your beloved little motor to the garage for its service, you feel a sense of mild panic. You know nothing about cars and what if the guy is going to fleece you? If you don’t know a gasket from a drive shaft, take a look at these tips to ensure that you end up sourcing a reputable mechanic.

Word Of Mouth Is King
There’s nothing better than asking your friends if they know of any decent mechanics in the local vicinity. Someone may have used the same guy for the past decade, he charges reasonable rates and his work is top notch. If more than one of your pals uses the same garage, you know that you might be onto a winner.
Opt For A Dealership
Depending on what car you own, you may be fortunate enough to live close to one of the main dealerships. If you find yourself the proud owner of an Impreza, it might be worthwhile taking it to your local Subaru dealer. Many of their dealerships, such as Reynella Subaru, have top class garages attached that can provide a gold standard comprehensive service for your vehicle. The top car manufacturers place a lot of emphasis on integrity, so if you’re a little nervous about handing your car over to a stranger to take a look at, a dealership could be your best bet.
Learn The Basics
As a car owner and new driver, the onus is on you to clue yourself up about the basics of running your vehicle. It doesn’t take much to learn about the key functions of your car. You could enrol on a basic car maintenance course that will show you things such as changing a wheel, oil refills, and checking the fuses. Your confidence levels will increase, and you’ll be able to enter a garage armed with a little bit more knowledge.

It can be hard to get your head around the inner workings of your vehicle. Many people don’t bother even learning the basics and can fall foul of the less reputable mechanics out there. However, if you source recommendations from friends, consider the dealership option and clue yourself up about tyre pressures, dipsticks and spark plugs, you will find yourself forging a positive relationship with a trusty mechanic.