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Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Bitcoin has been making strange headlines, especially in the financial and technological department. For example, in December 2021, it hit the highest high in terms of price. And, just six months later, it’s gone down by almost 55%.

However, that’s just how the Crypto market is. It’s volatile, unpredictable, and can be pretty cruel towards the marketers, sometimes.

But, that’s not what I want to talk about.

Instead, I wish to discuss something interesting, like what the future of blockchain and bitcoin holds for us. So, without making any further ado, let’s get started with it.

Trends And Predictions For Crypto And Blockchain

Whether you accept it or not, the Crypto market is here to stay. And, it’ll surely bring about some changes to the world as we know it. Let’s explore a little, then.

Prediction - 1: Penetrating The Mainstream Market

Although it was a dream at the beginning, Cryptocurrency is slowly but gradually becoming a form of payment. Recently, SpaceX and Tesla have started accepting BTC. So, I’m expecting other organizations to follow suit as well.

I mean, we’ve already been introduced to a dedicated trading app like bitcoin loophole. But, as getting used to Bitcoin might take some time, the mainstream market adoption still may take some time to happen in reality.

Prediction - 2: New Ownership Opportunities

Non-fungible token, also known as NFT, is a buzzy term you probably have already heard of in 2022. It’s a new way to determine the ownership of a digital property by using a specific blockchain ledger. Thus, they’re essentially more popular in the scene of art and collectibles.

Nonetheless, the potential of an NFT goes far and beyond working with eccentric digital artworks. With them, you can also purchase a digital land in a virtual world, like Meta. Also, it can be used to get ownership in the world of new-generation music.

Prediction - 3: Stablecoins Will Become A Thing

Bitcoin or any other of its fellow cryptocurrency have made their name due to the massive volatility they tend to go through. With them, you can either become a millionaire or lose all of your money. However, it can still be quite confusing for everyone.

But, stablecoins can change the scenario quite efficiently. It, in essence, is a subcategory of Cryptocurrency that’s tied with an underlying asset. Hence, its overall volatility rating tends to be quite low as a whole, which, in turn, might increase their popularity as well.

Prediction - 4: Bigger Hacks

In 2021, almost every business out there offered millions of dollars in Cryptocurrency to pay for their ransomware system. That’s because, digital currencies are difficult to track. Also, as they’re borderless, they’ll be impossible to unwind after the payment goes through.

Nonetheless, this might prompt the hackers to go for Cryptocurrency rather than finding their solace in traditional currency. Although it might be a little tricky for them to crack down the blockchain technology at first, they may find something eventually.

So, it’ll be important for the financial industry to find a solution to this problem before the whole situation turns ugly.

Prediction - 5: Rise Of Green Blockchain

Blockchain technology, although pretty efficient, requires a substantial amount of energy to work with. This, in turn, affects our environment much more than you can imagine.

So, what’s the solution?

Well, apparently, a new technology called green blockchain will be hitting the market pretty soon. We have something to work with already in this aspect, like Bitgreen or Solarcoin. But, in the future, this trend will improve even more and make it to the headlines.

Also, the existing blockchain technologies are already thriving to do something even more in this aspect. So, that’s a win-win situation as well.

Getting It Over To You!

As a multi-dimensional currency statement, Bitcoins and NFTs will keep growing for quite a while. Hence, if you’re interested in investing in this aspect, we’ll ask you to try and stay as much updated as possible. If you find some sort of new information, don’t forget to check if it can help out your cause or not. Also, when you’re making an investment, make sure to keep an eye on the market trend closely. Hopefully, it’ll all work out well in the end.

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