Melbourne 5 June 2015: The Australian Salary Packaging Industry Association (ASPIA) has welcomed the opportunity to respond to the Re:think Tax Discussion Paper and to have input into the discussion the Government has initiated about the opportunities for reform of the Australian taxation system.
The Re:think Tax Discussion Paper sets out to create a better tax system, one that delivers taxes which are lower, simpler and fairer. It needs to encourage higher economic growth and living standards, improve international competitiveness and be responsive to a changing economy and new opportunities.
Regarding ASPIA’s response, Chairman of ASPIA, Leigh Penberthy, said:
“We welcome this chance to provide a response to the Re:think Tax Discussion Paper and to be involved in reform discussions regarding our country’s taxation system.
“We believe that this review is a timely opportunity to address some inequities that exist in the current system, and to make it simpler and more easily administered, at the same time as providing the framework to facilitate the next stage of growth in the Australian economy.”
ASPIA’s response focuses on eight questions raised in The Discussion Paper that are considered to be of particular relevance to the Association’s members and clients. The response has been attached.
The Australian Salary Packaging Industry Association (ASPIA) is the Industry body representing outsourced Salary Packaging and Novated Leasing providers across Australia. ASPIA was formed in 2007 with the primary focus to seek representation to key Government stakeholders, developing a close relationship with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the Treasury.
ASPIA has been formed to provide a focus for the discussion of common issues and the professional standards and behaviours within the Salary Packaging industry and their corporate and individual employee clients.
ASPIA has since grown to become a recognised consultative association with both State and Federal Governments.
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