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Becoming an accountant can be a very lucrative career choice and an accounting internship from PGP Australia could be the perfect opportunity for you to get your foot in the door. It will allow you to get hands-on experience working in a real corporate environment as well as interacting with colleagues and meeting deadlines.

One of the measures of the success of your internship is how many skills you learn and how good you get at demonstrating them. While you won’t become a veteran accountant from a Premium Graduate Placement, you will get to practise essential skills that you can then put on your resume and, if all goes well, have endorsed by a qualified professional who supervised you.

If you don’t end up with a job with the firm you did your internship at, you will at least be able to fill up your resume with a series of employable skills that will make you stand out from others applying for entry-level jobs. Think about it; an employer will always be more eager to hire someone who can start working straight away with less need for training.

With all that said, let’s take a look at 4 skills you should try to get proficient at during your accounting internship.

Learning time management at your PGP Australia internship

One of the most valuable skills you will learn and hopefully perfect during your internship is time management. This basically means you will learn how to most optimally utilise your working time so that you can avoid missing deadlines and ultimately maximise the profitability of your firm.

Future employers want to know that, if they hire you, they can’t trust you to get tasks done in a speedy manner. If they think they can hire someone else who works faster than you and produces the same quality, you won’t have much job security.

Time management is also a useful skill in your day-to-day life. It helps you to avoid procrastination and feel more fulfilled at the end of the day.


Accountants generally need to be organised since most clients are relying on them to do all the bookkeeping they’re too personally inept to perform. Its your job you be a wizard of organisation who has everything they need to do their job without delay.

People who have great organisational skills are relied upon by those without them, so you’ll be a popular person if you always save the day by being organised. If you go to employers and prove that you’re someone they can rely on when they screw up, they’re going to like you and do more to keep you around.


Its important that you learn how to be adaptable as an accountant during your Premium Graduate placement since the job is always throwing curveballs at you. Accounting is a highly dynamic industry and if you’re too stubborn to adapt to changes then you’ll quickly fall behind others who aren’t.

Make sure you embrace change or - even better – seek it out and get ahead of it. Employers will notice that you’re going above and beyond your responsibilities in order to make sure that your skills are up to date and that you’ve eliminated all possible redundancies.

Communication skills

Learning communication skills is another thing you should focus on during your placement from PGP Australia. For more useful tips and other great blog news, visit Kev’s Best. While having a firm grasp of the numbers and having a scientific mindset are obviously important for an accountant – being able to communicate this complex information your client is 50% of your job.

While accountants are often stereotyped as being the most boring type of corporate worker (they look at numbers all day) this doesn’t mean clients are going to tolerate you acting like a corpse. Sometimes you will need to deliver concerning news to your clients regarding the state of their finances and it pays to be able to communicate properly so that you can calm them down and prevent them from panicking.

These 4 skills will be essential for you to learn during your accounting internship so that you can impress future employers with your level of competency in the role they are offering.


The Diploma in Accounting offers the best preparation for success in a range of industries. Students completing this course will be able to demonstrate a thorough and basic understanding of the key ideas in accounting. Read more about accounting courses in singapore

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