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When filing for a personal injury claim, every detail will matter. Insurance companies will want to look for an excuse not to pay the compensation that you truly deserve. You don’t want to give them an easy time. You can easily do so by deciding to file for the claim on your own. This is one of the biggest mistakes that you can ever make. The focus should be on getting an experienced attorney for your Brooklyn catastrophic personal injuries. In this post, we’re going to highlight some of the mistakes you should avoid when filing a personal injury claim.

Thinking You Can’t Afford an Attorney

Cost is always going to be a big issue for a lot of people not when seeking legal services. Unlike other legal cases, most personal injury attorneys will not demand legal fees upfront. They work on a contingency fee basis. That means that they’ll only get paid when you get compensated for the injuries. They also offer a free case evaluation so that you’re aware of the options right from the onset. There is no reason why you’d want to file for the claim on your own when there is an experienced attorney that will do it for you without any upfront fees.

Accepting Everything The Attorney Says

Even if you’re working with a seasoned attorney, you could be having questions or concerns about the legal process. That is why you should not accept everything they say without questioning when something is unclear. If the attorney is dodging your questions, they could be having something to hide and it might a sign that you need to look for a new attorney. Don’t just nod in agreement even when it is clear that you’re not understanding what the attorney is saying.

Believing You’ll Have to Go to Court

Most personal injury cases will be settled out of court. There will be a lot of back and forth with the negotiation before the parties can agree. A good deal is one in which both parties walk away unhappy. You want to get an attorney that is experienced working with insurance companies in order to help with the negotiation process. It takes years of experience to be a good lawyer and that is a benefit that you get when choosing to work with such a professional for your case.

Not Filing The Claim on Time

There are statutes of limitations when it comes to personal injury cases. When you don’t file the claim on time, you will not be able to get the compensation that you’re looking for. When you or a loved one is recovering from serious injuries, most of the months will be dedicated to recovery. You might not have time to initiate the claim process. That is why it is imperative that you’re getting in touch with an attorney that will handle the legal technicalities on your behalf so that you can focus on getting better. Talk to an attorney as soon as possible so that you’re not missing the window for filing the claim.

Thinking You’ve Waited For Too Long

A case that takes two years to be finalized might feel like too long in the grand scheme of things. It is important that you’re not giving up. The fact that you’ll not be expected to pay for anything unless you’re compensated should be enough motivation to keep on pushing. Having an understanding attorney will come in handy in those moments when you feel like throwing your hands up in frustration.

Expecting Additional Compensation in the Future

Once you’ve agreed on the compensation package and put everything to pen and paper, that will be the end of the claim. You can never expect any more compensation in the future because the contract will be legally binding. Getting a lawyer that will ensure that you’re getting maximum compensation for your injuries is going to be crucial. You don’t want to feel like you’ve settled for less.

Not Filing For a Claim Because You Were Partially To Be Blame

Just because you might have contributed to the accident doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be compensated for the pain and suffering that you’ve had to go through. A good attorney will know what needs to be done in order to ensure that you’re getting the best outcome of the case. You should be reaching out to a personal injury attorney if you’re looking for a free consultation for your case so that the options are known.

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