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Bitcoin Accepted at Retail Stores Across Australia

2017 marks an important change in digital currency landscape, especially in Australia. More and more retailers, brick-and-mortar stores and businesses are accepting Bitcoin as a valid payment method. There are also more Bitcoin users than ever before, along with a huge jump in the number of online stores that accept this digital currency. All of these changes signal one important thing: digital currency is here to stay.

The shift is further boosted by top schools and universities introducing programs specializing in digital currencies. A good example is the US’s Northeastern University, one of the leading universities in digital currency studies. The university offers online finance degree with courses in digital currency included in the program, helping professionals from all around the world become experts in Bitcoin and other currencies.

It will be interesting to see how many more retail stores across Australia start accepting digital currencies this year.


Find out more about the benefits of using digital currency from the Lessons Digital Currency Has Taught Us infographic by

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