When it comes to investing in stocks and shares, there are countless options available and it can be a long process to decide which ones will provide the best return on investment. Buying shares in companies that exist in some of the most competitive markets can offer a great chance to make huge profits, as long as they do well. In many ways it is similar to forex trading, choosing the best option in a competitive market, so here are some of the most competitive industries around to invest in shares.
The pharmaceuticals industry is an incredibly lucrative one, that always has plenty of business around the world. It is extremely profitable, selling its developments in medicine on to make it one of the largest major industrial sectors in most countries. Every nation requires medicines, so it can be one of the main imports in a lot of places, leading to numerous pharmaceutical companies to compete for such business.
Cars, motorbikes and other vehicles are also used in daily life around the world. The auto manufacturing industry is valued well into the trillions and continuing to grow. Manufacturers in the USA, Germany and Japan lead the competition, and there are thousands more across the globe competing for sales in every corner. From eco-cars to high-end motors, the market is vast and competitive.
The technology sector has been experiencing a boom for years now, with the emergence of Silicon Valley and Silicon Roundabout in London two hotbeds of activity. From the ongoing battle between giants such as Apple and Android, Microsoft and Sony and more, to many successful start-up stories, there are countless options in the sector to invest in. Plus, technology doesn’t look like slowing down any time soon.
Energy has always been a competitive market, and with more people becoming eco-conscious it is now evolving. Many are researching and developing greener energy methods, that is making them more desirable to back for a lot of investors. New, eco-energy companies along with the big players are all vying to develop the next breakthrough.
Banks, lenders and financial advice services are all unsurprisingly high value. There is a lot of competition in the financial industry, especially given the uncertainty surrounding the global economic situation. This amount of competition offers a lot of opportunities and risk. Consider investing in shares in any of these competitive industries to receive a decent return on investment.