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In this article, you will find a great number of ideas to help support SMM campaigns.

Let’s go!

1. Quotes. Funny and inspirational quotes from famous people are always successful.
2. Continue the thought. “If I were a millionaire ...”, invite the audience to continue this or other thoughts.
3. Polls. Social networks allow you to create a survey in one minute.
4. ‘Behind the scenes’ photo. Post photos of employees at work, satisfied customers. Suitable photos from corporate parties and industry events.
5. Statistics. Graphs and charts with data related to your field of activity are always in demand.
6. Repeated announcements of successful blog posts. Links to popular articles will never hurt.
7. Questions. Ask the audience simple questions related to your business.
8. Announcements of your guest posts. If your article is published on a reputable industry resource, immediately notify subscribers.
9. Branded photos. Get a look at your hard drive for photos that have your company logo. It’s good if the image is catchy.
10. Infographics. You can announce someone else’s infographic or create your own.
11. Pictures of your product. These photos can be posted on Pinterest or Instagram.
12. Photos that evoke positive emotions. Do not try to connect them with your business. Your followers will certainly appreciate the photo of sunset or a smiling child.
13. Link to discussion or dispute. If you are arguing with colleagues on a forum or commenting a blog post, refer to this argument.
14. Users feedback. Ask subscribers to share an opinion on your product.
15. Photo of your product. Post a photo of your product during assembly or production.
16. Reposting photos from Pinterest or Flickr. In these social networks you will find many interesting images worthy of the attention of your audience.
17. Share a link to a useful resource. It can be an industry blog, a new service or a guide written by your colleagues.
18. Publish your presentation on SlideShare. And share the link with your subscribers.
19. Refer to a useful case. Many people find this format more interesting than standard blog posts.
20. Useful advice. Post helpful tips related to your business. For example - how to keep what you win or something else.
21. Post something funny. Beat the famous meme.
22. Publish a forecast. It may be related to the scope of your business or current events. For example, write who you think will win the Champions League football championship and who have better changes.
23. Pay attention to YouTube
As you know, visual content is a king. And the video can be called the emperor of visual content. The best hosting for publishing marketing videos remains YouTube. Therefore, start leading the canal on this site.
24.  Publish video guides. For example, you can tell your audience about the chips in your product. You can shoot video even with an old smartphone.
25. Shoot promotional videos about your product. Sincerity and wit compensate you for the lack of professional equipment and actors.
26. Become a Jimmy Fallon in your niche. Interview industry experts, talk about conferences and seminars.
27. Show your colleagues and subordinates. Ask them to tell about their work, hobbies, leisure.
28. Show your customers. Take an interview with them, ask them to talk about cooperation with your business.
29. Publish entertaining videos. For example, ask your employees and customers to tell their favorite jokes.

There are certainly a lot of ideas for a content plan in social networks, and we presented only a few of them. So, when you begin to formulate a content plan, refer to this list - for sure, you will already have formed a sufficient number of useful and interesting ideas for posts.

Author: Serg Dum Almost 3 years I am devoted to work as a Chief Content Editor at King Billy Casino

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