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Sparkling Ovens Founder Tim Kerle has been using new online service RepeatBooking since July last year and said it's a game changer for his business as he is now fully booked weeks in advance and making an extra $1000 per week above his average earnings of twelve months ago.

“Before RepeatBooking I had good intentions to ring or email my previous customers to do more work for them, but I just never had the time.”

“Now RepeatBooking does it all for me automatically and the customers are ringing me.”

Co-founder David Wareing said the platform sends automated SMS messages to customers, prompting them to remember who you are, what service you provided, and that it's time to book or buy again.

“It makes it easy for SMEs to keep track of future business simply by automating the follow up process at a time when the customer will be needing their services,” said Mr Wareing.

“It takes less than a minute to log a customer’s details in the platform then an SMS will automatically be sent to the customer six or 12 months after the last invoice date.

“It also makes it so easy for people who want the service, but can’t find the details of the business they used previously.”


The RepeatBooking Dashboard is where you can upload and manage your customer list. The only information required is the customer's first name, last name, email, mobile phone number and last invoice date.

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