If you are in an administrative role then you will fully understand, and get the importance of proper labelling when it comes to your filing. The whole point is that everything is in ‘order’ the files should be able to be accessed easily as and when people need them. However, far too often people write their own ‘makeshift’ labels on folders or such like which starts off a trend that goes against the very idea of having a uniformed filing system and, before you know it, nothing is in order anymore;
As you well know, the importance of labelling your files and folders with the correct information, especially when it comes to address labels is crucial, it should never be underrated. Perhaps you could highlight some of the content in this article to your team or, make some changes yourself to ensure that your filing system is as slick and organised as possible.
You could even look at your colleagues as your customers, the products being the files and folders, even the information inside said files or folders. Then you can start to see what they do when it comes to your current system and what it should look like for ease of use. Sadly, as with most customers, they will still want information at the drop of a hat and, likely put it back in completely the wrong place, convincing themselves that it’s ok because they made an effort.
Think about what customers need when it comes to labels and take the view that your labels are, in essence, selling their content to the customer. You might find more characteristics, but generally, they want clear, precise, easy to read names and information on the documents so that they don’t have to spend unnecessary time trying to find what they need. You can help promote a better, more organised workspace, starting with, leading by example.
Now comes the really interesting part, for anybody actually making the decisions. You could really make an impact by completely revamping your records area, how you go about that all depends upon your time and know-how. You probably already have a rough idea as to how long it will take you to revamp your filing area, however, had you considered things like colours, types of labels and, which fonts work best for clear reading and understanding?
Not many people do to be fair, colours are a little bit easier, but, when it comes to fonts, most people tend to stick with the default option in whichever program they are using at the time, which is fine but, when it comes to labelling, you need maximum impact. Text that people feel comfortable reading and labels that are as clear as can be.
No down time
You may have a font in mind, but, what about the colour? Should the colour of the text be ‘all black’ or is there something to be said for coloured text? As with most people that question usually draws a blank, that’s where it might be useful to get in touch with a local label printing firm to see what they say. Who knows, maybe they can even take care of everything for you at a reasonable cost and not take you away from your daily duties either!
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