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How to Make Your Email Reflect Your Unique Style

If you are sending emails to partners, customers, and subscribers, you definitely want your messages to look perfect when they land in their inbox.

Because when your emails look good, you and your brand look good in people’s eyes too.

In this article, you will learn how to make your messages look great in any inbox.

So, what can you do today?

Tip #1: Create a unique email signature design

If you are still not using an email signature with every email you send, one of your first steps should be to try email signature software to get started.

You can customize pretty everything: your logo, photo, fonts, colors, calls to action, social media icons to match these elements to your brand’s style.

Once you have a branded email signature created, you will be able to install it in your email client.

Now, when you send your next email, it comes with a nice professionally-designed email footer.

Tip #2: Write a great copy and polish your email design

The way you write to people plays a vital role in maintaining your brand’s personality.

For example, the copy of a beauty blogger’s email should be creative and inspiring. Also, you should follow a similar tone in all the emails that you create.

Keep in mind that recipients generally skim through emails. That’s why it is important to do the formatting and alignment right.

Keep your sentences short, use paragraphs, and highlight the most important information for better readability.

Tip #3: Add a photo to your signature

Your email should have an attractive image that pulls the recipient in and makes them want to pay attention. One of the best places to add this image is your email signature. Choose a photo that helps people get to know you. Look directly into the camera, wear clothing that can help people associate you with your area of expertise, smile.

Tip #4: Use a creative font signature

Create font signatures using any font you like or the one that might be associated with your brand.

Here are a few font signature examples you might like.

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Pro tip: In the digital era, anything handwritten has a certain kind of charm. So maybe you might want to add a handwritten signature to add another little pinch of your personality to your email. Some people say such things elicit warm feelings of nostalgia.

Tip #5: Write as you speak

We write emails. We rewrite them again and again. Then we edit them one more time. It’s very hard labor to do everything right.

But this is really important. The way you use words in emails determines the overall impression that you give your reader.

These days, there is a tendency to make business emails less commercial but more chatty.

So, if you feel that you want to wish your employee going on vacation in Florida a great time, just do it.

Tip #6: Come up with a good email address

A memorable email address idea is usually one that is really unique. The name people see in their inbox should be as unique as you are. Just like your face and character, your email address has to be one-of-a-kind so that recipients can remember you and reach you and only you.

There are thousands of people with the same names. And, of course, you can be another Jane Smith999, but it doesn’t tell your recipient anything about what you do.

If you are a dentist, you can use “JaneSmithDDS.”

“” is perfect and easy to remember if you are a lawyer.

Tip #7: Include links to your blog or landing pages

In addition to the links you include for recipients to take action on your emails (e.g., “Shop Now,” “Donate,”  “Subscribe,” “Register,” etc.), you can also add links to places like your blog and landing pages so that people can benefit from your content and learn more about what you have to offer.

We also mentioned email signatures earlier in this article. Using them, you can easily add call to action buttons that link directly to your website, blog, and social media accounts.

Image source:

Tip #8: Make your images complement your unique style

Images have a powerful hold on people’s minds. They constantly help form associations about a person, product, or service.

That’s why, when branding, you should keep in mind that your images and email copy should complement each other and work in tandem to reflect your unique personal style.

Ask yourself which values and messages you are trying to express and what you want to achieve using each specific image.

Tip #9: Remember about consistency

If you want recipients to remember you, it’s essential to be consistent. So make sure to use a consistent theme for newsletters, write in the same tone, use imagery that is associated with you.

Practicing consistency will help your audience connect these things to you and your brand, making your emails instantly recognizable.


First impressions are important.

Since email belongs to the main communication methods within both private and professional spheres, we often make our first impressions via email.

And, in our digital age, most people have an extremely cluttered inbox. Of course, for you to stand out, you will need to work hard. Be sure to combine an eye-catching design with a perfect email copy. But what’s more important, look for ways to add your personality in every email you send.

In this article, we gathered the best tips to help you achieve this goal.

To sum everything up:

  • Use an email signature with your unique branded elements (logo, photo, font, handwritten signature);
  • Write as you speak;
  • Come up with a memorable email address that helps people remember you;
  • Write a great copy and make sure your email design is always on-brand;
  • Select imagery that complements your unique style;
  • Let people know you better and let them see your blog posts;
  • Stay consistent in every email you send.

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