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Procrastination is one of the things which were descended to us by our ancestors. Putting off essays became a part of the routine, leading us to forget deadlines. Though it does not mean you cannot prepare a good essay in a short time. A few tips will help you accelerate the writing.

Calm Down. Breathe!

It is a known fact that people do not tend to work well under pressure. Humans are supreme beings with brilliant minds, but they too get confused when working under deadlines. Their minds shut them out, which results in disruption with their work. Students find themselves in situations like these often. They try to write an essay in a short amount of time without tempering with its quality.

They don’t realize the amount of stress they take during the event makes their work difficult to accomplish. As a result, students become nervous, leading them to prepare an average quality essay. Many students turn to essay writing service to fulfill their needs in situations like these. Students who like a little challenge should practice a different approach. The first step is to close your eyes and mumble the words ‘I can do this!’ repeatedly. It only works if you believe every word you say. It may sound childish but is effective in times of need.

Compress All Your Thoughts on Paper. Create a Killer Essay Outline!

How to write an essay fast is a question students have frequently asked me. I usually tell them to start by constructing a good outline. One of the most common mistakes made by every student while writing an essay under the deadline is forgetting the outline. It may seem unimportant to them as they are already under too much pressure. However, it is of much significance. Most students think that preparing an abstract would only be a complete waste of their time as they are already writing a significant part of their essay. Which later will transform into an actual essay format as per requirements, thus making your essay perfect to submit. This is where they are wrong. Outlines given on the first page of an essay are there for a cause. You need to be familiar with the essay’s structure so you can avoid getting confused. Brainstorming is the key.

You should take a piece of paper and jot down any idea that comes into your mind right away. Remember, no idea is dumb or perfect. Do not classify your ideas into your mind if they are silly or breathtaking. Write everything down. When you are done writing your ideas, dispose of inappropriate ideas. Then connect all the dots from your concepts while crafting a single best outline. When you have the abstract in front of you, you will know what you need to accomplish, which will automatically increase tour writing speed.

Research Now, Write Later

How to write a good essay fast? It is a question many students ponder upon. In my opinion, it depends completely on your research. Never jump directly into writing your essay. Research should be on the top of your priority list.

All the perfect essays share something in common. They all are thoroughly researched. The shortage of time is no justification for insufficient research. Your teacher won’t truly recognize your recurring paper-based completely on your unclear arguments. Researching is important at all costs. If you are worried about the little time you have, it only takes 10 to 15 minutes to complete it. It is significant to research under a single outline so that you do not get off-topic. Try researching from second-page websites. For example, many students will collect information from Google’s first page due to the lack of time, making all their essays more or less identical. You should always visit the second or third page for your research, making yours unique. When you find some good information, always double-check it with other websites while making your info more reliable. Try to use Wikipedia less because its users can fabricate its data. If it is an important essay with the deadline around the corner and your mind is still confused, you can order pre written essay to be sure work will be done.

Eliminate Distractions

How do I force myself to write an essay? Many students these days struggle with this kind of question.  Distractions are your worst enemy when it comes to writing a lengthy and important essay. The condition worsens when you have your deadline around the corner. One of the most obvious things to get distracted by is your cellphone. A phone in itself is not distractive, but the social media apps that lie within it. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are the kind of apps that would seem as if it only had been minutes if you stayed on for hours. To focus on your essay, choose a quiet place like a library. If you are in a public place, distracted, and want motivation to write an essay, you can always put on motivational songs.

Choose a Topic that Requires Little Research

Writing a last-minute essay can be challenging. Suppose you have been busy with your side hustles and forgot to complete your essay assignment, which is due tomorrow. You should always choose the topic which requires the least amount of research, thus saving your time. The topic of your choice will help you with many things. For example, if you are familiar with the topic, you will not need to research it. You will know exactly where to start from or where might be the most fitting information, even if you do.

Do not Overreach Yourself

If your essay’s deadline is in like a few hours, concentrate on the main things and finish your essay as fast as possible. Avoid thoughts in your head: “Who will write my essay in a short time?” Please, do not focus on making your essay perfect, as it would take up much time while digging into every little detail. Finishing your essay should be your top priority. Then, if you have some time left, you can always rephrase your sentences to seek perfection.


When your essay is concluded, you should always make sure to proofread it for a final touch. It would be better to let a friend proofread it. You have to make sure that your friend would give you their honest opinion and be completely unbiased.

Writing a last-minute essay can be a difficult task. If you have followed the tips mentioned above properly, congratulations, you have an essay ready to be submitted—Pat yourself on the back. Make sure procrastination stays out of doors.

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