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Hunting is one of the oldest human activities in the world. It was said that the life of our forefathers was based on the gathering of fruits and hunting of animals. Due to this, the man was able to domesticate some animals while others remain wild.

However, these wild animals do not imply only the carnivorous as some herbivorous animals also exist among them. The name “wild animals” deals more with their habitat than their characteristics. These harmless animals are mostly hunted by man and sometimes, even the extremely wild ones are captured. Unfortunately, the act of hunting these animals has drastically increased and uncontrolled in many parts of the world. This abnormal form of hunting is known as poaching.

Amazingly, some individuals who are well-experienced in the field of hunting identified this threat and have profound some preventive measures to reduce poaching. These preventive measures cut across many innovations and one of them is the introduction of Deer Feeders. Since Feeders are not my concentration for today, let me just give you a place where you can learn more about them. You can check on this website to find out everything you need to know about feeders.

Back to our main discussion, let's look at some of the negative impacts of poaching.

  • Forced Extinction

Poaching has led to the extinction of several species of animals and is still playing a key role in the extinction of some endangered species. Not only deer are extinct from this act but virtually all animals are affected by this uncontrolled exploitation of their families.

  • Imbalance Biodiversity

The diversification in biological life has been altered and restructured due to the impact of poaching on wildlife. It has created a gap between the preys and the predators as well as hinder the mutualistic relationship between these organisms. The fact is that many of these poachers go for large games to increase their profit from their illegal hunting of animals and hence, many predators are being taken down.

  • Death of security personnel

To carry out their evil acts, poachers are ready to go any mile even if it means killing a fellow human. These criminals gun down innocent watchmen and forest rangers in their bid to gain entry into the forest reserves.

  • Special Dishes

In some parts of the world like Africa and Asia, animals are killed to a large extent and referred to as “bush meats”. Many people enjoy these bush meats and forget about the adverse effects of this act. In Asian countries like Thailand, an elephant meal is considered a dish for the elites and to prove you are one of these people; many rich people demand the supply of these dishes.

  • Reduced Tourist Activities

The main reason we travel to another country is to witness and appreciate their natural endowments. Then what happens when these are not there any longer? We are all going to stay in our country for sure. So, if we are to ensure visitations from tourists then our wildlife is one of the attractions to be preserved.

This is nothing but a quick summary of the effects of poaching as it can be more devastating than the aforementioned points. Putting an end to poaching is a combined effort and we should all contribute to the fight against the threat to our wildlife.


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