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Whether doctor, medical assistant or medical assistant – a distance learning medicine offers both professionals and interested parties the opportunity to acquire medical knowledge or to expand what has already been learned with different knowledge. In this way, you will develop yourself personally or qualify for new areas of responsibility in the company.

What course material do you expect?

With a distance learning medicine, you can either train as a doctor or specialize in certain medical areas or acquire basic knowledge. Since the range of distance learning courses in the medical field is very diverse, the material of the courses depends heavily on the respective course.MedicMind offers students to take help from GAMSAT tutoring while preparing for their entry test, visit site to get details.

In addition to courses that bring you closer to the anatomy and physiology of the human body in general, there are numerous courses that prepare you specifically for a job. While in some distance learning courses you deal with the correct spelling of medical technical terms, in other distance learning courses you will acquire knowledge about forms of ventilation or the mechanics of breathing. You can choose from the following teaching and distance learning courses in medicine:

  • Sports medicine

  • Traditional European Medicine

  • Medical professions

  • Medical education

  • Medical ethics

In the case of distance learning courses, there is usually the option of choosing a focus during the distance learning course, for example on health management or psychological medicine. So that you are sure to find the right further training offer for you among the diversity, it is worthwhile to look at the curriculum in advance.

Procedure & conclusion

If you would like to take up a distance learning course in medicine, you can start a non-academic distance learning course or an academic distance learning course, depending on the desired degree and learning objective. A certificate course takes between one and 24 months to complete. The duration of a bachelor's distance learning course is 5 to 13 semesters. After 2 to 6 semesters you will have a master’s degree in hand.

The characteristic and at the same time positive thing about distance learning is that you can learn flexibly from home. Your distance learning institute will send you study letters with various practical examples, exercises and tasks to your home, which you will work on and send to your lecturer for checking. After each study letter or module, there is usually an examination.

In the case of a distance learning course, this usually takes the form of a test, which takes place online or in one of the examination centers. If you complete a distance learning course, you will have to appear and attempt exams. In this case, you usually take tests or exams at one of the that are part of your distance learning medicine. Here you have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge and to exchange ideas with your fellow students and lecturers. In addition, an internship is sometimes planned.

If you have any questions in the course of your self-study, your distance learning provider will offer you support. With the help of the online platform, you can not only comfortably get in touch with your fellow students to clarify questions, but also carry out exercises or take advantage of online tutorials.

At the end of a distance learning course, you will first receive a certificate of attendance. In order to also acquire the institute's internal certificate, you often have to pass a separate final examination. Depending on the provider, this takes place on site or online.

An academic bachelor's or master's distance learning course ends with the master's thesis. If necessary, a colloquium will follow. If you pass all the exams successfully, the distance learning institute will award you a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Medicine (B.Med.) Or Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree. After completing the distance learning master’s degree, you will acquire a Master of Arts (MA), Master of Medicine (M.Med.) Or Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree.

What does the distance learning medicine cost me?

The fees for your distance learning medicine are based primarily on the type of study you choose. If you decide on a certificate course, you pay between € 90 ¹ and € 3,900 ¹, depending on the provider and the scope of the course content.

Academic distance learning from state or private providers has slightly higher costs. Would you take a Bachelor distance learning; you should check with expenses of about 590 € ¹ to 58,500 € ¹ expected. For a postgraduate distance learning master’s course, the fees are around € 990 ¹ to € 39,000 ¹ . Please note that there may be additional costs for enrollment, the examination or the trip to face-to-face events.

Many distance learning institutes offer you the option of paying these in installments so that the sometimes high financial expenses are not an obstacle. If you cannot finish your teaching or distance learning course in the regular time, there is also the option, depending on the institute, of extending your distance learning for several months free of charge.

What requirements do you have to meet?

The prerequisites you need to meet for admission depend on the particular provider and the degree you want to achieve. For a certificate course, some providers require at least a secondary school leaving certificate or intermediate school leaving certificate. For extensive preparation for prerequisite or admission tests, find the best GAMSAT Tutors available.

In some cases, distance learning schools also require university admission and, alternatively, completed vocational training in the medical and health administration sector and at least two years of professional experience. An academic degree can also be one of the required qualifications. In some cases, no previous professional knowledge is required.

In order to be able to take up a bachelor's distance learning course, you need the general university entrance qualification or the technical college entrance qualification. Alternatively, the institutes also allow you to pass a master craftsman's examination or vocational training and two years of professional experience. If the latter applies to you, you may have to take a separate entrance examination. Sometimes the distance learning universities also require a 3-year training in the therapeutic, nursing or medical field in addition to university admission.

A first university degree in a medical or related field is essential for a master’s distance learning course. In addition, at least one year of professional experience in the relevant field and sometimes an admissions interview and good knowledge of English are usually part of the admission requirements.

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