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To get started training your dog the right way, your dog needs to know what you expect them to do. This helps them to fell secure and to be able to meet the goals that you lay out for them as training progresses. The foundation of any dog training should be based on only positive reinforcement. Your dog should be rewarded when he does something that is good. How can you get started the right way with training your dog?

Image from Paws Claws Tails

If you try to train your dog with negative feedback such as yelling at the dog or yanking on their leash, this will confuse your dog and possibly even scare it. Never try to train your dog when you are tired or have little patience. Positive reinforcement can be given with praise and treats that you use just when you are training your dog. Always use a happy voice during training and say positive things like “good dog” in a positive way. Some dogs enjoy it when you pet them or groom them so you can use that as a positive reward too, but the most convenient way to reinforce behaviour is with food.

You can start to train your puppy as soon as you bring them home, generally about eight weeks of age. Always keep the training session short, about 5 to 10 minutes in duration and end them in a positive way. If your puppy is not learning something new in a session, move on to something that he understands, praise him and give him a big reward when he gets it right. If your puppy is frustrated or bored, it will work against you when you are trying to teach him something new.

The First Thing to Teach Your Dog

The first thing you will want to teach your dog is recall or for them to come to you when you call them. Start by sitting with your dog and repeating his name and saying “come”. Your dog does not yet need to do anything. Every time you say his name and then say “come”, give him a treat. He does not need to do anything just yet only listen to you saying his name and “come”. Next, put a treat near you on the floor. When you dog finishes that treat, say his name and when he looks at you, give him another treat. Do this a few times and then start to toss the treat a little farther away. When he turns to face you, say his name, but do not say his name too often or he will start to ignore you.

When your dog turns to face you, toss the treat and move a few steps back while calling his name. The dog will naturally chase you because they think it is a game. When the dog catches up to you, give him a great deal of praise or a treat and play with him for a while. You want to teach your dog that coming to you is fun. You can continue to build on those games by moving longer distances away from your pup. If you train outside, try using a long leash at first. Do not grab your puppy when he comes to you, it could confuse or frighten your dog. If your puppy is shy, sit in front of him and face him and offer him treats while you gently reach for his collar. If you call your dog for punishment this will teach your dog that you are unpredictable and you should be avoided – the opposite of what you want to teach him. You want to use a rewards-based system and always reward your dog when he responds to his name even if he has been naughty.

All your training sessions should be short and exciting, and they should end with a positive vibe. If your dog is not grasping what you want to teach him, consider how difficult the thing is that you are trying to teach. You may need to slow down and make those steps easier or offer a better reward for the harder tasks.

Once you start training, it will lay out a foundation for the future of the training that you will provide to your dog. If you and your dog build a relationship with one another, soon your dog will look forward to the training sessions that you set up because your dog will want to spend time with you. Training should always be fun for your dog, if you notice that your dog is having an off day or is not interested in learning, play with him instead and save the training for another day when he is more focused.

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