While it is the dream to own your own racing horse that participates within the biggest racehorses of the world, newsflash- it is not that cheap! The price of horses will usually depend on the pedigree and conformation of health that the horse shows. Usually, horses can range at around $77,000 which is not something people usually have in their pockets now, is it? Depending on the level of training the horses have had, that can raise the prices even more, as a significant amount of time, resources and effort has gone into training them, tipping the scales of cost over $100,000 sometimes.
For the reason of the cost, most people stick to gambling and betting on horses instead as that is the closest to what they can afford in putting into the world of horse racing. You can find the best horse racing tipster in Australia right here and follow their winning punts, should you decide of course, that the fee of buying a horse is just more than what it can actually be worth.
What was the most expensive horse ever sold?
The most expensive horse ever to be sold was the Fusaichi Pegasus. This horse sold for almost 70 million dollars and was initially purchased for 4 million dollars. Purchased as a small yearling, it managed to win a total of 6 races, including the Kentucky Derby. The very year that he was sold, Pegasus started a career as a new stud, and did not actually perform to the expectations placed. For that very reason, his stud fee was reduced to $7500. For comparison, other stud fees from American Pharoah or Tapit were at $200,000 and $300,000 respectively.
Tapit’s offspring have managed to prove themselves following their experience on the track. In fact, in a recent sale of studs, a horse from Tapit’s offspring sold at $1.2 million, which was quite the amount to make her the highest sale within Keeneland's yearly sales. Of course, different horses will sell differently, however experience within the early ages is often what defines later sales soon after.
How do you get your best price on a horse?
To get the best price on a horse, you will need to seek out opportunities from a private owner, or at a horse auction. The best value deals come from private owners, as you will not be raised in competition amongst other buyers. Additionally, a private sale will also remove the risks and commissions that come with auction too, so beginners are often recommended to go down this route to purchasing their horses.
Some expert horse breeders that are known within the country are often travelling to and from regions, after being asked by private owners to look at their horses and the prospect of making a profit at a sale. While some owners often overestimate the price and potential of their horses, there sometimes is the high likelihood of identifying opportunities from local private horse owners that breed pedigree horses. Getting them at a bargain price from such a setting is very likely that way.
Usually, owners sell their horses due to a change in assets, and there being a need for quick financial leverage, making the want of a purchase more urgent. Such scenarios are much more likely to go your way in creating a bargain for yourself. Once you know the reason as to why a horse has separate wishes to be sold by the owner, the more you can navigate a sale in your favour-so do some research and digging.
Other occasions do see sales at bargain prices when the horse has a history of illness and injury, meaning you will need to get a medical opinion on the future long-term investment of such a horse, as there will always be some kind of risk associated for that very reason. Think horse vet bills, medication and so on. It may cost you more than what it is actually worth.
Make it known that you are in the market for buying a racehorse
To find the best deal for yourself, do not shy away from connecting with people who have a more of an ‘in’ with horse sales in the horseracing industry. Usually, many people network within the same circles, meaning should you meet someone in the horse industry, it is very likely they could navigate you onto some potential that is harmonious with your spending budget. You can even go to the horse training facilities yourself and make it known there you are looking for one! Many great horse sale opportunities come from such serendipitous introductions and acquaintances.
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