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The Top Reasons Learning A Musical Instrument Is Good For You

Music is a huge part of human existence. From the very beginnings of our evolution, humans have made music with what is available to them.

Scientists don’t know exactly why we dance when we hear music, but it is instinctual to us. This can be seen when music is played to a baby, they will start to move to the music without any instruction to do so.

So, music is intrinsic to our lives, and nearly everyone enjoys listening to some sort of music. Many people around the world also learn how to play an instrument, and this also has some great benefits to us.

It doesn’t necessarily matter if you don’t become excellent at your choice of instrument, the important part is that you are learning, and it is the learning the seems to have the most benefits to us.

Let’s have a look at some of the ways learning an instrument could benefit you.

Stress Reduction

Music, as we have said, is unique to humans, and it does affect our emotions. Some music makes us excited whilst other music makes us calm, but whatever affect it has, it does reduce stress.

Stress is a condition that nearly all of us are dealing with in one way or another, and playing an instrument can help to relieve that.

Learning and playing an instrument requires intense concentration, and this focusing of the mind helps us to forget about our other worries for a while, which allows our brain to relax.

Stress has a myriad of effects that we may not always be aware of, such as headaches, digestive issues, sleep problems and mood changes to name just a few. So, therefore, it is imperative to reduce stress as much as we can for our own health.

Playing an instrument, like Gospel Pianos keyboards, has been shown to lower blood pressure and heart rate, both of which can be elevated if we are stressed, and so music can really help with these issues..

Improves Cognitive Function

Learning to play an instrument at any age can make you smarter. Learning this skill accesses areas of the brain that may otherwise lay dormant, and increases memory function and reasoning skills.

There is a strong correlation between those that learn an instrument and the successes these same people have within their academic lives, vs people who do not learn an instrument.

There have also been studies that dementia patients who listen to, or play music find it easier to access memories they thought gone forever, and it can even slow down the progress of dementia.

Schools such as LVL Music Academy can teach you how to play your chosen instrument so you can benefit from these positive attributes.

Improves Your Social Skills

Even if the instrument you choose to learn is a solitary one, your social skills will be improved by learning to play an instrument.

Learning to play an instrument usually requires at least one other person - your tutor, and as you progress, your social circle will expand as you meet other musicians who share your passions.

It has also been shown that those who play instruments have better developed leadership and management skills, and teaches you how working with others can be beneficial.

Boosts Your Self Esteem

There is a correlation between playing a musical instrument and the self confidence of the player.

Learning an instrument takes an immense amount of time and dedication, and the payoff for that is being able to play your instrument of choice.

Being able to play an instrument or a piece of music you have been struggling over gives an immense amount of pride and really boosts your self confidence.

Learning and playing an instrument also helps to build your confidence. Playing an instrument will inevitably mean you end up playing to an audience, even if only a small one, and this will naturally build the confidence of the musician.

Improves Patience, Dedication and Organisational Skills

Learning how to play an instrument means that you will have to learn how to be patient and dedicated, as it is not a quick skill to learn.

You will also have to be organised and have good time management, as daily practice is a must to improve on your playing.

These are important skills to learn in life, and learning an instrument at a young age can prepare you for the trials and tribulations that life can bring, and learn that nothing is gained without hard work.

Makes You More Creative

Learning an instrument and playing that instrument really taps in to the creative side of your brain, which can sometimes get neglected in the day to day monotony of life.

A piece of music is written on a page for you to play, but you will be able to pour your own personality into the piece.

This is exactly what world famous musicians do, and it is how you can tell one artist's music from another when you are listening to them.

Most Importantly - It’s Fun!

There are many benefits to playing an instrument, many more than we have gone through here. It also can increase your physical strength and dexterity.

But, more than this, learning an instrument and playing it is fun. Playing music actively engages the brain and stimulates it, which in turn releases serotonin which makes you feel happier.

As playing music is a fairly physical activity, that also stimulates the brain, it burns calories and uses up both physical and mental calories. This means it wears you out in a way that other activities don’t - watching tv for example - and this means that you are likely to sleep better than doing a more passive activity.

So, as you can see, there are many positive reasons for learning an instrument, and there has never been a better time to do it.

Listen to your favourite musician to get inspired, find a teacher with locally or online, and take the plunge.

You won’t regret it, and you’ll benefit from all the reasons that we have listed here. Good luck, and have fun!

Business Daily Media