If you are a career woman, you’ll agree with me that it’s never that easy getting the right person to take care of your toddler while at work.
Of course, when you open the doors for people to send their resumes for the job, you are likely to get the most impressive CVs in the world, but hiring a sitter goes beyond papers. You must get an ideal character for this job if you want to ensure your baby grows upright.
In most cases, what makes her the best Baby sitter has nothing to do with the resume. It’s about you giving the right information about how you want the job done. Well, in this article, we mention some of the five critical information to give your sitter.
1. Your contact information
While you are away, your sitter must know how to reach you in case of emergencies. You never know, your child may be sick, or there could be an accident in the house. She needs to have your partner’s contact in case you go offline.
Apart from your contact, you’ll also have to provide your pediatrician’s cell phone number and that of the closets ER to your house.
2. The child’s daily routine
Your child has a routine that you follow to keep her healthy. A routine should include time for meals, bed, naps, and baths. The sitter should know when is the right time to do all this stuff, and there is no better way to keep her on toes like providing a detailed routine.
You also want to include some special rituals for your kid, like reading and listening to kid music on the routine. It can help make your little angel feel at home while you are away.
3. Tips on soothing your baby
Kids are just different, and your little angel is no exception. You could be having some simple tips that you usually use to soothe the baby to sleep.
You can share that with the sitter. It will help them clear the room, sing some lullaby, and prepare the baby for a sound sleep. You know, your baby needs at least 13 hours of daily sleep to grow healthy.
4. What offends your child
Your baby could be having some things that set her off like foods she doesn’t like, pets, or thunderclaps. The best way to keep it going for the sitter is to let her know all these tantrum triggers so that she learns how to avoid them and get along with the baby.
5. Location for all essentials
You should always put your child’s essential in one central place to make it easy to find. It shouldn’t take long to locate baby diapers or meals.
The first day your sitter comes to work, you have to include a house tour in your orientation Show her the family room, nursery, kitchen, and bathroom. It will make it easier for her to find everything she needs for the baby when you are away.
Final Thoughts
Your baby is all you’ve got, right? If you want to help your sitter take good care of her, you should not hesitate to provide an ideal work environment . Give the sitter all the information she needs like food rules and useful medical intel for the child. It makes it easier to babysit.
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