Young people sometimes find a job after leaving school with the intention of undertaking tertiary studies later but some never do.

Not everyone can go to university or pursue further studies directly after leaving school. For some, a "gap year" lasts a lot more than a year.
Professional help is available to assist people of all ages to resume studies. Some students have an eye on a better and more rewarding career or to extract themselves from a boring dead end job with little or no potential for advancement.
For people looking to gain qualifications and to confidently get back into "learning", education centres like Learning Cloud provide a wide array of information about government funding, course options and entry requirements. The education industry is huge. It provides employment for thousands of professionally qualified educators and for support staff right around Australia and even the World.
In Australia, there are on campus training options and many remote learning programs that enable people to continue with self education and personal growth even while they maintain employment and their income sources. Staying in the workforce is a very important consideration for many people looking to gain additional qualifications so as to make them more attractive to potential employers. Most people need an income stream so they are locked into a job but it is possible to learn and work at the same time.
Educational institutions can provide people who are interested pursing further education, at a TAFE or a school that offers industry and government recognised diploma courses, with all the information that they need. Some can even complete the enrollment process for applicants.
The process of gaining qualifications by post school education can take place wherever the student lives by using off campus course programs, often with assistance from government funding for books and course materials.
Some business operators assist employees with further education and grant time off to complete some aspects of courses. Help is available. Start the process by making contact with an education provider.
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