These are the kinds of people who will study for new certificates and qualifications long past retirement, who will be deeply enthusiastic about various hobbies, and will always be on the lookout for new and fascinating discoveries to make.
Here are some of those reasons.
It will help to keep your brain agile, young, and sharp
The neuroscientist Norman Doidge is perhaps best known for his book "The Brain That Changes Itself," in which he looks at the amazing phenomenon of neuroplasticity.Simply put, neuroplasticity is the name given to a phenomenon where the brain is able to reshape and restructure itself based on habits, lifestyle patterns, and environmental factors, throughout a person's life. The discovery of neuroplasticity completely turned the old model of the brain on its head – a model which viewed the brain as being pretty much fixed after childhood.
The key thing is that you need to be constantly learning new skills. So, sticking with a certain hobby for a year or two, and then picking up a new one, seems to be a good idea.
Everyone is impressed by a handyman (or woman), when the chips are down. People who have a broad range of skills, and a vast wealth of general knowledge, are just more autonomous, and are better able to navigate life's ups and downs under their own steam.
Learning the art of servicing your front and rear gear differentials, if you've never previously had much to do with cars, opens up a whole new world to you, and just makes life more interesting. In addition to the fact that these kinds of skills are useful to have – there's little good excuse not to seek them out and develop them.
In your professional life, this kind of expansive knowledge can help you to understand the interrelated nature of different industries, and manage employees of all stripes in a much more effective and synergistic way.
All of this puts you in a pretty powerful and useful position.
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