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Ant infestations are horrible to deal with. Unfortunately, such pest infestation appears without any warning. You just wake up one morning and you find ants everywhere. This is definitely not something that you want to deal with. Unfortunately, most home owners do not know what to do to remove the ants.

What should be known is that when an ant infestation appears the best thing you can do is to contact pest control Perth specialists. This is because it is so easy to miss out infestation spots, entryways and if you do not remove the colony, more and more ants will come every day. This is why you need to remember the following as you try to keep ants out of your kitchen. The trail of sugar does not actually work. The best things you can do, according to specialists, are the following.


If you are now fighting an ants infestation you already did something wrong. The truth is the very best way in which you could fights ants is to stop them from targeting your home. Ants are really small and can find countless ways inside your property. Try to block all that you can find and regularly inspect to see if new ones appear.


One of the great things you can do is to seal all doors, cracks and windows that can be used by ants with caulk. This has a secondary benefit in the fact the temperature control is better and you end up paying lower energy bills. It is also a method that is not risky when you have pets or children.


Clean as many suitable home surfaces as you can with a solution made out of water and white distilled vinegar, at a 50-50 ratio. This mixture is actually pretty good at cleaning and can replace the detergents that have phosphorous. Vinegar is really good in this case since ants hate the smell. Also, vinegar actively removes scent trails these insects used to move around.

Alternatively, you can also use lemon juice, which is effective at removing scent trails. Spray some lemon juice around areas you believe ants use as an entryway.

Peppermint Oil

This is another very simple method to consider. After you clean surfaces as well as you can, wipe them with a damp clean cloth that saw some essential peppermint oil drops added. Ants basically hate the smell and this is a solution that is completely environmentally friendly. Peppermint oil is perfectly safe for children and the kitchen will end up smelling great.

Coffee Grounds

Do you love fresh coffee? If so, sprinkle the used coffee grounds in your garden and all around the home. If you figure out where the ants come from, add some there. Ants seem to hate many smells, including that of coffee grounds so coffee drinkers are privileged in their fight against these pests.

Dish Soap

The last thing to consider is to add a really thin dish soap line around windows, doors, baseboards wand wherever you see ants gathering. Alternatively, mix with water in spray bottles and add to ant hills.

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