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Winter is here. In Australia, the temperatures can go below 10o, making a heater an essential investment for most homes.

The function of a heater is self-explanatory. As you probably know, there are many different types of heaters in the market. You have to understand its advantages and disadvantages, to help you in making an informed decision when you start shopping in preparation for the upcoming cold season.

Electric Heaters

Electric heaters convert electricity into heat. In most cases, these appliances are used to heat interior spaces. Once installed, electric heaters can start functioning straight away.


  • Electric heaters are affordable compared to other options. You are only required to pay for electricity, which is way cheaper than other sources of energy.
  • Electric heaters are easy to use. You can turn them on or off by the flip of a switch.
  • Most electric heaters are small and easy to move around.
  • Electric heaters heat up quickly than gas or wood-powered heaters. These heaters have an adjustable thermostat that allows you to regulate the amount of heat they produce.
  • Electric heaters don’t produce smoke.


  • Electric heaters have short cords which limit their use.
  • They can only heat small spaces.

Gas Heaters

Gas heaters burn natural gas to produce heat. These heaters are suitable for heating indoor and outdoor spaces.


  • Natural gas is one of the cheapest fuels in the market. This means that gas heaters don’t cost much money to run.
  • They easily be turned on or off using a switch.
  • Gas heaters can quickly heat large spaces. This makes the most efficient heating option.
  • Gas heaters are eco-friendly. They emit lesser amounts of greenhouse gases than electricity. They also don’t require logging like wood heaters.
  • Modern gas heaters come with a thermostat that allows you to set the heat to the desired levels.
  • Gas heaters don’t produce smoke.


  • Gas heaters are potential hazards, especially if a leak goes unnoticed.
  • You might need to redesign your room to fit in the gas supply pipes.

Wood Heaters

Wooden logs power wood heaters. They are ideal if you want to give your space a vintage appearance.


  • The sight of burning flames is appealing to the eye.
  • The sound of crackling wood is pleasant.
  • You can get wood for free, which is impossible for other fuels.


  • Logging destroys the environment.
  • Burning wood produces smoke, which can be quite a nuisance in indoor spaces.
  • You need ample storage space for the logs.
  • The embers of burning wood can damage nearby objects,
  • Wood heaters require regular cleaning to prevent the accumulation of soot and ashes.
  • It takes time for the wood to produce substantial heat.

Pellet Heaters

Pellet heaters resemble wood heaters but are eco-friendlier than the latter. They run on wood pellets made from recycled sawdust and wood shavings. Besides, these heaters have thermostats that allow you to regulate heat.


  • Pellet heaters use recycled products, meaning that they are eco-friendly.
  • They have a thermostat that allows you to regulate heat to the desired temperatures. They provide the look and feel of wood heaters without the associated mess.
  • Pellet heaters are much faster than standard wood heaters.


  • It is quite challenging to find pellets.
  • You also have to pay for electricity on top of finding the pellets.

These are the most popular heating options currently available for the Australian market. Gas and electric heaters are the best choices if you want a low-maintenance heating option. For those who prefer old fashioned styles, wood heaters are the way to go. If you want a blend of the two, pellet heaters are the best option.

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