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House & Garden Today

How much money do you spend each month on hot water? You might be surprised to know that roughly 25% of the energy costs in the average Australian household goes to heating water.

From the dishwasher to washing clothes in hot water to taking long, relaxing showers, hot water usage can add up quickly.

Looking for ways to bring down your hot water costs? There are a few simple things you can do to easily reduce your monthly utility bills. Check them out here.

1. Turn Down the Thermostat

Water doesn’t have to be super hot to get the job done. In fact, water that is too hot can present a danger of scalding people when they go to wash their hands.

Instead, set your thermostat at about 60 degrees Celsius. The maximum you should use is 65 degrees Celsius. A higher temperature than this means your hot water system is unnecessarily working overtime.

2. Use Hot Water When the Rates Are Cheaper

Did you know that energy doesn’t always cost the same? During off-peak hours, the price of energy drops. Why not take advantage of this? Put your hot water system on a timer and set it to operate during off-peak hours. This is a great way to watch your energy bills drop without changing any of your habits.

3. Insulate the Hot Water Pipes

How far does the hot water have to travel to get from the heater to your faucets? The farther it has to go, the more heat that is lost along the way.

However, you can cut down on this heat loss considerably by insulating any exposed hot water pipes with closed-cell rubber insulation.

4. Replace Your Hot Water System

Ready to replace your hot water system? On average, properly maintained hot water systems will last about 12 years or so. When it’s time to go shopping, keep in mind that different water heaters use different systems to heat water and some are more efficient than others.

If you’re looking to maximize your monthly savings, be sure to choose the right size heater for your home. Another important consideration is the type of energy the system uses.

For example, if you have installed solar panels on your home, you may want to choose an electric system so you can use energy from the sun to heat your water. If your panels are large enough and you get enough sun in your area, your water heating costs might even be free!

Start Saving Money Today

Since heating water is such a large part of your energy bills, finding ways to reduce your hot water costs will significantly reduce your monthly bills. That’s something that everybody can get excited about!


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