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A birdhouse is one of the most rewarding projects you can do in the comfort of your home. It’s enjoyable to see different kinds of birds that visit and how they interact with what you built. But, you must note some factors before buying the materials you need.

Things You Need to Know Before Building a Birdhouse

Whether you’ve been creating birdhouses for years or are just a beginner, it doesn’t matter. You still have room for improvement and for new knowledge to be better. Below are some of the things one ought to know before building one.

Choosing the Right Type of Birdhouse

There are various types of birdhouses available for you to reference and imitate. You can build platform feeders, post-mounted birdhouses, hanging birdhouses, and more! Check your fences or the house's exterior and brainstorm what kind of birdhouse will fit your place perfectly.

The Materials You Must Use

When picking out materials, select those that will last a very long time. As regards wood choices, you can choose from plenty of choices, like cedar, pine, and redwood. You can buy self-assembled plastic birdhouses online, but there is no guarantee that they can last more than the wooden types.

How Big Is the Ideal Birdhouse?

Birdhouses are known to be small because they are catered to small birds flying around town. But what you can do to ensure that the size of your birdhouse will fit perfectly is to research the kinds of birds in your area.

Location of the Birdhouse

Another essential factor you must bear in mind is the location of the birdhouse you will build. Observe the behavior of birds around the neighborhood. Take note of where they usually pass by. This way, you can make sure they can drop by the birdhouse quickly by making it visible and convenient.

Food and Water Supply

Do you want to connect the birdhouse you’re constructing to a food and water supply? Refilling the water basin is exhausting, and setting up a simple DIY water feeder will be helpful in the long run. You can also put bird seeds there as well.

Birdhouse Entrance Based on the Birds in Your Area

When you build a birdhouse, an entrance hole is a must. Birds find shelter in these, especially under the summer heat. After your research, drill a hole with an allowance from the suggested bird sizes. This is to ensure that they can go in and out quickly.


Like building any other type of home project, birdhouses require considering more factors than just building a small house for birds. You must remember that birds deserve a place to stop by and rest from flapping their wings all day. If you wish to know more about high-quality birdhouses, read more here.

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