Termites are a serious problem that can cause extensive damage to your home if you don't catch them in time. Luckily, there are some tell-tale signs that let you know when termites are present so that you can catch them early before they spread throughout your home.
Here are ten warning signs that you may have a termite infestation in your home or business.
Signs of a Termite Infestation
Hollow or Flaking Wood
Termites are known for eating through wood, so if you notice any hollow or flaking sections of wood around your home, then the odds are pretty good that you may be dealing with a termite problem.
Holes in Wood
Holes in wood are a tell-tale sign that you might have termites. Sometimes you can actually see the termites eating away at the wood, but in most cases, you will only find their tunnels after the fact.
Tight Doors or Windows
Termites eat away at wood from the inside, so If you notice that your windows and doors are difficult to open or close, it could be a sign of termite infestation. You should contact a professional immediately as this problem can cause further damage to your home if it is not treated.
Termite droppings are dark, pinhead-sized pellets. They are often found in corners or near the baseboards of your house or other buildings. Termite droppings can also be found around windows and doors and sometimes look like grains of rice or salt.
Discarded Wings
If you have an infestation, then the discarded wings of the termites can usually be found around windows or doors where they swarm at night to mate. After mating, the female lays her eggs in cracks or crevices in the wood, while the males shed their wings and leave them behind.
Mud Packing
This is when the termites create mud tubes along the wood they eat and then pack it into place. You may see this as small splotches or a line of mud around doors and windows as they seek shelter from predators and search for food sources.
Sagging Flooring
Termites eat the wood in your home and weaken it over time. If this happens in one area, it may cause the flooring to sag or buckle. You might also see cracks or holes in your floorboards if they're infested by termites.
White Ants
If you see white ants swarming your home, you could be looking at termites. Some termites have white scales on their bodies that are easily mistaken for ant bodies. When in doubt, contact a pest control team for advice and assistance.
Damp Spots
Damp spots throughout your home can also be a sign of termite infestation. These spots are usually found near the floorboards or around plumbing fixtures and are caused by accumulated urine and fecal matter.
Clicking Sounds
Termites make clicking noises while they're feeding on wood, which can be heard through the walls of your home. The most common place to hear this clicking is in your attic, but you can sometimes hear it in other areas of the house, such as in crawl spaces or near the ceiling in your living room.
Hopefully, this guide has taught you what to look out for when you suspect that you may have termites in your home. If you do have a termite infestation, then be sure to contact a qualified pest control company for ethical and effective termite removal as soon as possible before the termites spread throughout your home.
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