How much fun is a blocked drain?
About as much fun as wearing sandals in the snow.
It usually is quite obvious when you have a blocked drain, but not always. Are you wondering if your drains might be blocked? Here are 4 sure fire signs that they are.
Stinky House
Okay, your house can be stinky for many reasons. Perhaps your dog introduced himself to a skunk, your kids left a baloney sandwich behind the couch last week, or you forgot to take out the garbage.
For the sake of argument, let’s assume that you’ve covered all those bases and are still wondering where that awful stench is coming from.
Lots of gunky stuff can end up down the drain. In the bathroom, hair, soap scum, and dirt tend to be the biggest offenders. In the kitchen, grease, bits of food, oils, and other organic matter can easily end up in the drainpipe.
And what happens when organic matter sits around for a while? It starts to rot and gives off a horrible aroma that wafts out of your drains and perfumes your house in a not-so-pleasant way.
Gurgle, Gurgle
Do you hear an odd gurgling noise, especially right after using a sink or the shower? This can happen because of a blocked drain. The water backs up and traps air. As the air seeks to escape, it creates gurgling, bubbling sounds in the water.
You might also hear creaking, groaning, or other strangulated-type sounds coming from the pipes. It’s kinda creepy when it happens at night and the house is quiet. Don’t worry, though, it’s just your drains crying out for help!
Overflowing Sinks
This one’s pretty obvious. If your drain is backed up enough that your sink, tub, or shower is filling up and overflowing, you’ve got a blockage.
Furthermore, if you have an overflowing toilet, take note! Not only can the overflowing water cause damage to your home, but this has the potential to dump raw sewage in your home. This is a health threat and must be dealt with immediately.
However, there is one other potential cause of an overflowing drain, but just in sinks or tubs where there is a plug. Check to see if the plug has fallen into the drain and is stopping up the water.
Drip, Drip, Slow Draining
What if your drains are flowing, but things seem to be slower than normal? This can happen with a partial blockage in a single drainpipe.
What if multiple drains are slow to drain or seem to be affected by each other (such as water backing up in the sink when you flush the toilet)? This indicates there could be a blockage deep in the main sewer line.
What to Do with Blocked Drains?
Still wondering what is wrong with your drains? Calling a plumber can help you know if your drains are blocked. Plus, they can offer professional help if the DIY methods you’ve tried for clearing your drains don’t seem to be working.
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