Are you thinking about installing a new hot water system? If you are, you need to know about the different types of hot water systems. Each system works just as well as the next, but their energy sources differ. Here is a bit of information that you need to know about the different types of hot water systems.
Electric Heaters
Electric hot water systems require electricity as a power source to function. Different types of this hot water system utilize electricity to keep water hot with the help of varying internal heating elements.
The M Tariff is one way to power an internal heating element. This element works round the clock to ensure water in a tank is hot. As soon as temperature levels within a tank drops to a specific value, the heating element activates and heats the water again.
The J Tariff works similarly to the M Tariff, but it only works during off-peak hours which occurs at night. Once the off-peak hours are over, the J Tariff stops working, and only the hot water in the tank is available until the next off-peak period.
Heaters using two elements (Twin Element Heaters) receive power from M Tariff and J Tariff. Both tariffs work unitedly to heat water. The J Tariff works as usual during off-peak hours, and the M Tariff acts as a boost at any time to keep the water hot.
Solar Heaters
A solar heater uses energy from the sun to heat water. This form of water heating is energy and cost-efficient.
Solar collector panels absorb the energy from the sun, which then works to heat water in a tank. Solar heaters work in most climates as long as the sun is shining. However, most heaters come with an electric or gas booster element for days when the sun does not shine brightly.
Gas Heaters
Gas water systems run on natural gas or liquid petroleum gas (LPG). This gas powers the tank that heats the water.
Immediately a storage tank fills up with water from the mains supply, an integral thermostat works to monitor the temperature of the water in the tank and increase it if need be. Due to their build, storage tanks can retain heat for days.
Installation of a gas water system takes anywhere from around 2 to 3 hours. Usually, it happens outside for safety reasons, but on rare occasions, installation can happen indoors with the help of a flue.
Heat Pump Heaters
A heat pump heater is an innovative way to heat water using a renewable energy source. It looks like an electric heater storage tank but has a heat pump at the top tank.
A heat pump works similarly to a fridge or air conditioner, but instead of taking the heat out, a heat pump transports heat into the tank.
Due to the fact that the heat pump extracts heat from the air outside, the heat pump water system has minimal effects on the environment. Also, its power source is heat, meaning it uses a power source that saves costs.
The Bottom Line
As they say, knowledge is power. With all this knowledge, you now have the power to pick a hot water system that is right for you. However, you’ll need a licensed plumber to help install your new hot water system.
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