Many people overlook floor insulation when building their homes. Instead, they opt for outdated methods of air conditioning, methods that are bad for their wallet and worse for the environment.
But fitting your Melbourne home with floor insulation, or any insulation for that matter, is the ideal option for a heap of reasons.
If you’ve been considering floor insulation in Melbourne, here are some reasons why it's definitely a good idea…
It regulates the air temperature
Ahh, Melbourne, it is a cool city, in the sense that there is an endless myriad of things to do here, but it can also be literally very cool. That, as well as its reputation for reaching the 40s in summer, makes it a city of climatic extremes.
If you’ve ever lived through a Melbourne winter (all frosty wind and no sun) or baked through that late-January, early-February period of 40+ days, then you will know exactly what we’re talking about.
Sure, you may be tempted to crank out that all-important air-conditioner for the toasty days and ducted heating system for the seemingly endless chilly ones, but why waste your home’s energy, your paycheck and energy efficiency when you could regulate the air temperature with high class floor insulation?
Floor insulation is designed to trap in the heat and cool that would otherwise escape in these climatically-extreme times of the year, thus creating comfortable temperatures year-round.
It will reduce energy bills
A home that uses ducted heating throughout the winter and full blast air-con throughout the summer is a home that never really sees a dip in energy bills. This is especially so in the height of both winter and summer, where temperatures become extraordinarily cold and hot, thus causing us to turn to our air-conditioning systems for respite.
But floor insulation can be used in place for these cash guzzlers. All you need is floor insulation in place and you can be sure that you won’t have to worry about having the air-con and heating on all night and therefore won’t be spending as much on electricity bills!
It’s better for the environment
There is a great fear that the more our climate changes and the more our weather events become more extreme the more people will simply opt for their air-conditioning systems instead of installing something green like insulation.
Why? Because it’s easier, right? You can simply flick a switch, sit inside and escape those nasty weather events. However, you will be only contributing to the problem in a big way. The world doesn’t need to rely on air conditioning and constant heating to escape the climatic extremes, especially when we have the likes of high grade insulation there to make things more bearable.
It’s easy to install
Installing insulation is super easy during the construction process. All you have to do is fit the insulation batts between the joists before placing over floorboards, tiles etc. Why overlook something that in the long run is better for the environment and your wallet?
Retrofitting floor insulation is also highly doable, but it is recommended that it is done during major renovations as it is possible that you have already pulled up the floor. With something that is so easy to install and so cost-efficient yet does wonders for the home and is far better for the environment, it makes sense that you have been considering making the home insulation switch.
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