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Preparing for Moving Day

Moving from one home to another is usually something that you look forward to. It is a new chapter, a blank canvas for the next phase of your life. But the actual process has a lot of moving pieces (pun intended). People who have experienced a few moves know that having a plan and being prepared can save you a lot of stress. If possible, you should begin your preparation a month before your move. You need to know what will happen at either end, who is in charge of what, and how much property is involved. Here are some items for your checklist.

  • Utilities and other Payments: The first thing you need to do is make sure that your utility companies know that you are leaving and cancelling the service. You also need to arrange on the other end to start the services up.

  • Choose Your Removal Team: Some people prefer to do the removal themselves. There is nothing wrong with that, but it will require you to have suitable vehicles and equipment. You will also need lots of boxes, blankets to protect goods, and trustworthy capable people to help you move your possessions. Hiring a professional removal team like will make things a lot easier. Experienced movers are more efficient, and they can make sure to have everything you need to make the job go smoothly. They will also have the best vehicles for the job.

  • Children and Pets: Unless your children are old enough to be helpful during the move. You really should have a plan for them to be doing something else that day. Find someone to take care of them for the day. In the case of pets, you might want to put them in a kennel for a day or two. This decision will help you to focus better on the move.

  • Inventory: You should have a list of all the oversized items that are being moved and how many boxes are coming out of each room. Also, you should have a labelling system for boxes that is fool proof, so be consistent. If you have time, you can tape a list or write on the boxes precisely what is in each one. That will save you time finding things later.

  • Food: Feed your team. Make sure you have enough for everyone. And at the end have some more food and perhaps some beer. Food is terrific for moral and encouraging participation.

  • Have your Essential Gear Ready and Available: You should have cleaning supplies, tape, a well-stocked toolbox, marker pens, and rope in a place where you can access it. You should also have all the items you will need for your first night identified so that they can be unpacked first.

  • Walkthrough: You will feel a lot better if you do a walkthrough of the property before you lock up for the last time. Open every door and cabinet, look in every nook and cranny. There is always something that was overlooked.

When the day comes, and you are well prepared, you will have a much better experience. Remember, there will always be some unexpected incidents. Keep a good attitude and stick with the program as best you can.

Business Daily Media