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The Most Common Blocked Drain Causes And How You Can Easily Prevent Them

Blocked drains are a nightmare nobody wants to ever experience but it just keeps happening over and over against people's wishes.

In residential homes and corporate organizations, blocked drain is a problem that requires the presence of a blocked drain plumber to correct.

Blocked drains span across kitchen sinks, a toilet that fails to flush properly or a slow running drain in the shower. If you have experienced any of this before, you can understand these things are ugly and gross.

So, to help you avoid the unpleasant problem of a blocked drain, here are the most common blocked drain causes and how you can easily prevent them, too.

1. The accumulation of hair down the drain can cause any major blockage. While hair seems rather delicate and harmless, they can create a huge problem for homeowners when they clogged together.

There are a comprehensive range of products available on the market which will catch hair before it can go down the plug hole, but to completely avoid any blockages, it is recommended that you regularly check for an accumulation of hair in and around your plughole.

2. Baby items and toilet paper are two foreign objects most commonly known to block drains. Although toilet paper is designed to be flushed down the drain, when it is done excessively it may create a nightmare of a toilet that refuses to flush. The flushed papers can stick together and clog the drain pipe leading to an obstruction of flow.

While baby items like diapers and wipes and lady pads are not designed to be flushed in the toilet, it is practiced in homes.

These items do not disperse in water like toilet paper, so there is a significantly higher chance that the material will snag on obstacles inside the drain pipes leading to a blockage. a clearer illustration is found in diapers, diapers will become bigger in size when it absorbs more  water, so if it is completely submerged in water, it will expand to its maximum size making it much too big to fit down your drain pipes. The ripple effect is the drain blocks.

3. Leaves, trees and outdoor debris:

Let's take a step out of the house, what do you think of a trip to the garden or driveway?

What you may have not realized like many other people is that blocked drains are commonly caused by leaves and debris  blown during stormy weather or washed into the drain when it rains thereby leading to drain blockages.

Avoiding this particular problem can be difficult, but one of the most effective ways you can prevent leaves and trees from washing down your drains is to cover the drain entrances with a drain guard.

4. Greases and fats: Despite being one of the most common causes of blocked drains, they are also the easiest to prevent. Fatty substances, known for their sticky properties, automatically attach to the insides of the pipes when washed down the sinks.

The best way to prevent this is to be careful with the type of liquid you pour into the sink.
Business Daily Media