A traditional yet continually trendy choice in windows and doors, timber is a classic material that has become a bit of a go-to for homes far and wide. But just what is it that makes timber so appealing? And what are the potential downfalls?
This simple guide outlines the advantages and disadvantages that come with these ever-popular home solutions. Armed with this knowledge, you can decide if timber windows and doors for a Sydney studio apartment, Gold Coast beach house or Melbourne Victorian terrace will be the best option for your needs.
Provides warmth – both literally and aesthetically. The use of rich wooden features typically exudes a sense of warmth and homeliness, which is heartily embraced by many homeowners. But timber doors and windows also protect dwellings against nature’s elements, offering a great deal of insulation to help ward off chills in the winter and heat in the summer.
Offers superior energy efficiency. Given its natural insulation properties as illustrated above, timber is a highly energy efficient material, therefore making it an environmentally sustainable choice for windows and doors. This means you can have a better chance of resting in year-round comfort without costing the earth (or your bank account).
Allows for flexible finishes. Timber is ideal for crafting customised looks in your home. Whether you choose to stain your doors and window frames to match your hardwood floors, or to paint them in bold colours to make a statement, this material means you have a bit more freedom with appearances.
Holds innate durability. There’s a reason timber has been used for windows and doors for centuries: it is an extremely durable material that can withstand harsh environments. Installing timber windows and doors ensures longevity, giving you peace of mind both now and in the future when the time comes to sell.
Requires regular maintenance. Despite its durability, timber is not totally immune to the effects of weather. This means it can wear away or begin to rot over time. To counteract this, frequent cleaning and recoating is needed. As a general rule of thumb, a light wash is recommended once every summer, and a double recoat of paint or finish is recommended whenever the original coating begins to break down (this can range anywhere from roughly three to six years). While a little extra TLC might be required, the efforts are usually worth it, giving you long-lasting windows and doors that outlive other materials.
Does not protect against fire hazards. Of course, wood is a flammable material, meaning timber doors and windows aren’t going to protect your home against any fire hazards. This should be taken into account, particularly if you live in fire-prone regions.
Costs more than other materials. It remains a common fact that timber doors and windows are a costlier option compared to alternatives such as aluminium or uPVC. While this can offer the benefit of creating a more expensive-looking finish, it will poke a bit of a hole in your pocket. A handy way to find a middle ground here is to opt for timber effect aluminium.
Now that you have a bit more know-how when it comes to timber doors and windows, have a think about what kinds of styles might suit your home’s character, era, and functionality. Taking the time to carefully consider these features will result in a beautiful abode designed to stand the test of time.
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