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When you’re working in a space where you’re lifting items and moving them around - which, let’s face it, is most workplaces - it’s vital that you’re performing your manual handling correctly. Correct manual handling is a vital part of ensuring that you and your employees are staying safe and healthy in the workplace. The health and fitness of your employees is vital if you want to continue to run your business productively and profitably. A key part of manual handling is ensuring that the workplace that you work in is training you correctly to lift. If you run a workplace, it’s vital that you are offering the right kind of training for your workplace and workers. After all, a key part of manual handling is being trained to do so properly; without the proper training it's often the case that injuries occur. An injury at work can have a devastating effect on people in the workplace, and so it's vital that the right steps are taken to avoid this kind of incident occurring.

Taking the time to learn about manual handling training courses is something that you won’t regret - and we want to take some time to look at why manual handling training is essential. It’s not just to avoid injuries but to protect people as well. Employers have a duty of care to provide the right kind of training - so let’s take a look at some facts here which identify why manual handling training is important:

When you’re working in a space where you’re lifting items and moving them around - which, let’s face it, is most workplaces - it’s vital that you’re performing your manual handling correctly. Correct manual handling is a vital part of ensuring that you and your employees are staying safe and healthy in the workplace. The health and fitness of your employees is vital if you want to continue to run your business productively and profitably. A key part of manual handling is ensuring that the workplace that you work in is training you correctly to lift. If you run a workplace, it’s vital that you are offering the right kind of training for your workplace and workers. After all, a key part of manual handling is being trained to do so properly; without the proper training it's often the case that injuries occur. An injury at work can have a devastating effect on people in the workplace, and so it's vital that the right steps are taken to avoid this kind of incident occurring.

Taking the time to learn about manual handling training courses is something that you won’t regret - and we want to take some time to look at why manual handling training is essential. It’s not just to avoid injuries but to protect people as well. Employers have a duty of care to provide the right kind of training - so let’s take a look at some facts here which identify why manual handling training is important:

*The occurrence of workplace injuries can have long-lasting effects and consequences for the workers and their families

*The majority of workplace incidents and the subsequent claims occur as a direct result of improper manual handling

*An employer has a duty of care to provide a safe workplace - and this includes proper training on manual handling

When you take the time to invest in the future of your employees with manual handling training, you are working to actively reduce injuries, improve morale of your staff and to play an active role in your duty of care.

A comprehensive training program for manual handling will:

*  Examine the common and best practices for manual handling in the workplace

*  Identify the best practice and principles for your particular working environment

*  Identify the proper warmup and stretches to be done to avoid damage to yourself when performing manual handling tasks

*  Show problem solving and methods for working with manual handling when it’s not clear what should be done

*  Discuss hazards and risk assessment for manual handling

The benefits of manual handling training are numerous, but here are just a few:

*  You raise the awareness of the occupational health and safety requirements in your workplace

*  You reduce the risk of work-related injuries and workers compensation claims that occur in your workplace

*  You increase the morale in your workplace through an enhanced focus on staff and a greater emphasis on your team environment

*  You raise the awareness of your duty of care and work to actively fulfill your requirements

A key part of operating a workplace is, as we have discussed, taking the appropriate steps towards always ensuring that you’re being as safe as possible. This means that you train your staff in all elements related to manual handling in the workplace. The benefits of undertaking such training for your staff will have a long lasting effect as they go on to take this training to all aspects of their life - whether they’re at home moving furniture around or at work performing their duties. An investment in the future of your staff and employees is an investment in the future of your business.

*  The occurrence of workplace injuries can have long-lasting effects and consequences for the workers and their families

*  The majority of workplace incidents and the subsequent claims occur as a direct result of improper manual handling

*  An employer has a duty of care to provide a safe workplace - and this includes proper training on manual handling

When you take the time to invest in the future of your employees with manual handling training, you are working to actively reduce injuries, improve morale of your staff and to play an active role in your duty of care.

A comprehensive training program for manual handling will:

*  Examine the common and best practices for manual handling in the workplace

*  Identify the best practice and principles for your particular working environment

*  Identify the proper warmup and stretches to be done to avoid damage to yourself when performing manual handling tasks

*  Show problem solving and methods for working with manual handling when it’s not clear what should be done

*  Discuss hazards and risk assessment for manual handling

The benefits of manual handling training are numerous, but here are just a few:

*  You raise the awareness of the occupational health and safety requirements in your workplace

*  You reduce the risk of work-related injuries and workers compensation claims that occur in your workplace

*  You increase the morale in your workplace through an enhanced focus on staff and a greater emphasis on your team environment

*  You raise the awareness of your duty of care and work to actively fulfill your requirements

A key part of operating a workplace is, as we have discussed, taking the appropriate steps towards always ensuring that you’re being as safe as possible. This means that you train your staff in all elements related to manual handling in the workplace. The benefits of undertaking such training for your staff will have a long lasting effect as they go on to take this training to all aspects of their life - whether they’re at home moving furniture around or at work performing their duties. An investment in the future of your staff and employees is an investment in the future of your business.

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