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Health Today

Parents can often feel the weight of the world on their shoulders. Not only do they worry about finances, house and car maintenance, work and relationships, they also have their child’s health and wellbeing at the forefront of their minds.

All children get sick from time to time, especially when they start attending daycare or school. In fact, there is a school of thought that insists early childhood illness boosts immunity in adults, and that exposure to certain germs can actually be beneficial.

However, as well as colds and flu, there are certain illnesses and injuries that you don’t want to be inflicted on your children. It goes without saying that infants should be immunized against more serious illnesses, but what about other, more common ailments? Here are three ways to look after your child’s general health.

Teach Healthy Habits

As your child’s parent, you are his or her first teacher. Therefore, it’s vital to teach them the basics of good health and hygiene from a young age. These habits include hand washing to prevent the spreading of germs, looking after their gums and teeth, eating healthily and getting regular outdoor exercise. From the age of one, your child will start to mimic your habits, so it’s no good to preach one rule to your child and then break it yourself. You have to be consistent with your advice and lead by example.

Keep a First Aid Kit In the House

Every family should keep a first aid kit in their home for emergencies and minor injuries. Stock up your kit regularly with band-aids, painkillers, sterilised gauze, round-edge scissors, alcohol wipes, burn cream and disposable gloves. Depending on your child’s health requirements, you also need medication prescribed by your Doctor. Without such action especially in winter a common cold can lead to chest infections. Take stock of what you have in your medicine cabinet and buy anything you might need for an emergency.

Take a CPR Course

The best way to ensure your child's safety is by enrolling in a First Aid & CPR Course so you can help them in an emergency. Of course, if you are ever worried about your child’s breathing, or you think their heart rate has dropped, the best thing to do is to call emergency services. However, by taking an accredited CPR Course, you will learn the basics of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, and how to perform CPR while you wait for assistance. Doing this could save your child’s life, hence why CPR is such a vital skill to learn. Enroll on a local course so that you can respond without hesitation in an emergency.

When your child is sick, it can be miserable for everyone involved, but certain childhood illnesses like stomach bugs, flu, and chicken pox are common, and it’s only a matter of time before your little one gets infected. When this happens, you will want to ease his or her symptoms and get them on the road to recovery as swiftly as possible, but it’s important for them to rest, drink fluids and recoup at their own pace.

Be prepared for illnesses, accidents and medical emergencies by equipping your house with supplies and broadening your medical knowledge. Remember: if you’re ever concerned about your child’s health, it is always best to consult your doctor.

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